Unusual Atlantic City Museum to Close
A popular place of interest for tourists in the U.S. state of New Jersey will be changing soon.不寻常的大西洋城博物馆即将关闭
The change involves the closing of the famous Ripley's Believe It Or Not! Museum in Atlantic City.
Museum officials said recently that it will close on December 31 after more than 26 years. The museum has unusual objects including shrunken heads, strange animals and representations of unbelievably tall or small humans.
博物馆官员最近表示,它将于 26 年多后于 12 月 31 日关闭。博物馆里有一些不寻常的物品,包括缩小的脑袋、奇怪的动物和令人难以置信的高大或矮小的人类模型。
Popular vacation place
Atlantic City is a popular place to visit on America‘s East Coast. The city, between New York and Philadelphia, has over 27 million visitors a year, the city's website says.
大西洋城是美国东海岸的热门旅游胜地。该城市的网站称,这座位于纽约和费城之间的城市每年接待超过 2700 万游客。
Atlantic City's Boardwalk is a walkway next to the sea. The museum, as well as hotels, stores, casinos, and other points of interest are on the Boardwalk.
The museum is designed with a giant globe that appears to have hit the front of the building.
博物馆的设计有一个巨大的地球仪,似乎已经撞到了建筑物的前面。< br/>
Chris Connelly, the museum's manager, said in a statement, "We're grateful for the support of our fans and guests, whose curiosity, open-mindedness, and enthusiasm have contributed to our success for over 26 years."
博物馆经理克里斯·康纳利 (Chris Connelly) 在一份声明中说:“我们感谢粉丝和客人的支持,他们的好奇心、开放的思想和热情为我们 26 年来的成功做出了贡献。”
He added, "We're thankful to have offered a" special "form of entertainment and education at the Jersey Shore, and we hope we have helped create wonderful memories for those who have come to visit."
Connelly said the museum is closing because of the end of a business agreement.
Connelly 说,由于一项商业协议的终止,博物馆将关闭。
The future of the famous building is uncertain although it is possible some of the building's design elements may be used in the future, Connelly said.
Connelly 说,虽然这座著名建筑的某些设计元素可能会在未来使用,但这座著名建筑的未来仍不确定。
The museum opened on the Boardwalk at New York Avenue on June 22, 1996 between two famous casinos.
博物馆于 6 月 22 日在纽约大道的浮桥上开放, 1996 年在两个著名的赌场之间。
It became popular with families looking for entertainment that did not involve gambling.
The museum has 14 galleries and over 400 exhibits. They include unusual objects such as a spider made from scissors and knives, a roulette table made of 14,000 jelly beans, and what the museum describes as the world's smallest production car.
博物馆有 14 个画廊和 400 多件展品。其中包括一些不寻常的物品,例如用剪刀和刀子制成的蜘蛛、由 14,000 颗软糖豆制成的轮盘赌桌,以及博物馆描述为世界上最小的量产车。
The Atlantic City museum is one of more than 20 Ripley's museums in the U.S. and around the world.
大西洋城博物馆是美国和世界各地 20 多家里普利博物馆之一。