Distracting Ukrainian Children from War during Holidays
Ukrainians have experienced nearly 10 months of war. This holiday season, people are trying to bring some peace and happiness to the country's children.在假期分散乌克兰儿童对战争的注意力
In what used to be a nice hotel near Kyiv, Ukrainian children shouted with happiness as they watched a special performance. They also were excited to open gifts.
The hotel outside Kyiv is now a rehabilitation center. It houses children who have experienced the terror of the Russian invasion.
"When it's a holiday, it's easier," said Ksenia, a 12-year-old girl from Bakhmut. The center's officials asked not to use any child's last name for security reasons. Bakhmut, a city in eastern Ukraine, has been the center of a battle between the Russian and Ukrainian armies.
“如果是假期,就容易多了,”来自巴赫穆特的 12 岁女孩 Ksenia 说。出于安全原因,该中心的官员要求不要使用任何孩子的姓氏。乌克兰东部城市巴赫穆特一直是俄罗斯和乌克兰军队交战的中心。
"We forget about the war. It's easier to distract," Ksenia added after the performance.
“我们忘记了战争。它更容易分散注意力,”Ksenia 在表演结束后补充道。
Ksenia was among the 62 children celebrating Saint Nicholas' Day on Monday. It is a traditional day when Ukrainian kids get presents. It also marks the beginning of the winter holiday season.
Ksenia 是周一庆祝圣尼古拉斯节的 62 名儿童之一。这是乌克兰孩子收到礼物的传统日子。这也标志着冬季假期的开始。
Artem Tatarinov is the director of the rehabilitation center. "Why do our soldiers fight?" he said. "For the sake of the future because without it, there will be nothing. And children are our future."
Artem Tatarinov 是康复中心的主任。“我们的士兵为什么要打仗?” 他说。“为了未来,因为没有它,就什么都没有。孩子就是我们的未来。”
At the center, he said, there are children who have had to hide in shelters to escape bombs. Some have discovered their dead family members.
UNICEF estimates that at least 1.2 million out of Ukraine's 7 million children are currently displaced within the country.
联合国儿童基金会估计,乌克兰 700 万儿童中至少有 120 万目前在国内流离失所。
The rehabilitation center houses children for two weeks. During that period, they get therapeutic lessons and spend time with mental health experts to try to process the war.
"It is like a temporary rehabilitation from the war," said Alevtyna, a mentor at the center.
“这就像是从战争中暂时恢复过来,”该中心的导师阿列夫蒂娜 (Alevtyna) 说。
For children, Alevtyna said, the center can be like an island of happiness. But it is not easy for them.
Alevtyna 说,对于孩子们来说,这个中心就像一个幸福的岛屿。但这对他们来说并不容易。
"They often talk about the war, cry," she said. "Children are afraid to fall asleep, are afraid to turn off the light."
Over the past six months, the center has received more than 1,300 children from across the country.
在过去的六个月里,该中心已经接待了来自全国各地的 1300 多名儿童。
"It is difficult to work like this when you see children who do not smile, when their childhood was taken away," said Tatarinov, the center's director. He said that he once met a 12-year-old boy who discovered the headless body of his brother after a strike. He was 10 meters away from their house.
该中心主任塔塔里诺夫 (Tatarinov) 说:“当你看到没有微笑的孩子,当他们的童年被带走时,很难像这样工作。” 他说,他曾经遇到一个 12 岁的男孩,他在罢工后发现了他哥哥的无头尸体。他离他们家有10米远。
"This is impossible to forget, but we do everything we can," added Tatarinov.
That is why this week, he and the mentors tried to celebrate the holidays. On Monday, the performance brought joy to the children for a short time.
"At least for an hour, but they can believe in miracles again, believe in goodness again, where fairy-tale heroes come," said Tetiana Hraban. She is head of the Golda Meir Institute of Civil Society. The group helped to organize the performance.
Tetiana Hraban 说:“至少一个小时,但他们可以再次相信奇迹,再次相信善良,童话英雄来的地方。” 她是 Golda Meir 民间社会研究所所长。该小组帮助组织了演出。
The actors on stage asked the children what they want for the holiday. The answers were shouted over each other: "A generator." "A power bank." "A house."
台上的演员问孩子们假期想要什么。答案大声喊道:“一台发电机。” “充电宝。” “一个房子。”
"Victory!" said one child, and all the others repeated it.
“胜利!” 一个孩子说,其他人都重复了一遍。