2022年12月11日 VOA慢速英语:科技巨头与社区学院在教育方面的合作
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    Big Tech, Community Colleges Partnering in Education

    Neethi Anand Gangidi came from India to the United States to study chemical engineering. But when the Covid-19 pandemic created difficulties for her doctoral studies, she changed direction by studying artificial intelligence, or AI, at Houston Community College (HCC) in Texas.
    Neethi Anand Gangidi 从印度来到美国学习化学工程。但是,当 Covid-19 大流行给她的博士研究带来困难时,她改变了方向,在德克萨斯州休斯顿社区学院 (HCC) 学习人工智能 (AI)。
    At HCC, Gangidi and a team of students worked on a difficult problem: finding ways to help keep people safe in dangerous situations, such as school shootings. Their solution used AI to develop an autonomous vehicle to enter areas that are too dangerous for people. Gangidi's team won a national innovation award for their project at Intel's Global Impact Festival in San Jose, California, this year.
    在 HCC,Gangidi 和一个团队的学生解决了一个难题:寻找方法来帮助人们在危险情况下(例如学校枪击事件)保持安全。他们的解决方案使用 AI 来开发自动驾驶汽车,以进入对人类来说过于危险的区域。今年,Gangidi 的团队在加利福尼亚州圣何塞举行的英特尔全球影响力节上的项目获得了国家创新奖。
    Gangidi is one of thousands of students involved in partnerships between large technology companies and community colleges in the U.S. Companies such as Dell Technologies, Intel, Google, and Amazon have developed special training programs for students. Some areas of study include artificial intelligence, data science, and user experience design.
    Community colleges offer two-year associate degrees in many technical and liberal arts subjects.
    The American Association of Community Colleges, or AACC, says there are 1,043 community colleges in the U.S. In the last 10 years, an average of more than 80,000 international students have attended community colleges yearly in the U.S.
    美国社区学院协会 (AACC) 表示,美国有 1,043 所社区学院。在过去 10 年中,平均每年有超过 80,000 名国际学生在美国就读社区学院
    The increase in AI
    The use of AI, also called machine learning, is growing. AI helps computer systems do things which in the past only human beings could do, such as identify faces.
    AI is commonly used in work which uses lots of data, such as banking, supplying materials and products, and healthcare. But now other areas, such as natural language processing, also use the technology. AI is even used in artistic work such as music composition.
    人工智能通常用于需要大量数据的工作,例如银行业务、供应材料和产品、和医疗保健。但现在其他领域,例如自然语言处理,也在使用这项技术。 AI 甚至用于音乐创作等艺术作品。
    A 2021 study found that 43 percent of businesses reported increased use of AI in the last year. However, 39 percent of leaders at those companies said lack of workers with AI training was a barrier to using the technology.
    一项 2021 年的研究发现,43% 的企业表示在去年增加了对 AI 的使用。然而,这些公司中 39% 的领导者表示,缺乏接受过 AI 培训的员工是使用该技术的障碍。
    Intel's AI for Workforce Program
    In early 2020, Intel began its AI for Workforce program, which has now partnered with 74 community colleges in 32 states. Intel provides content for AI classes, AI lab design and technology, training for teachers, and practical applications for areas such as computer vision.
    2020 年初,英特尔启动了劳动力人工智能计划,该计划现已与 32 个州的 74 所社区大学建立了合作伙伴关系。英特尔提供人工智能课程、人工智能实验室设计和技术、教师培训以及计算机视觉等领域的实际应用内容。
    The company hopes to have partnerships in all 50 states by the end of 2023.
    该公司希望到 2023 年底在所有 50 个州建立合作伙伴关系.
    Dell Technologies has partnered with Intel to help pay for the Artificial Intelligence Incubator Network. The Network has given $40,000 grants to 10 community colleges to help build AI laboratories. The Network also supports virtual AI training and organizes monthly meetings between Dell, Intel, and community colleges to help improve AI education.
    戴尔科技与英特尔合作,帮助支付人工智能孵化器网络的费用。该网络已向 10 所社区学院提供了 40,000 美元的赠款,以帮助建立人工智能实验室。该网络还支持虚拟人工智能培训,并每月组织戴尔、英特尔和社区学院之间的会议,以帮助改进人工智能教育。
    Adrienne Garber is a Senior Strategist for Higher Education at Dell Technologies. She told VOA Learning English that the AI for Workforce program gives students practical training.
    Adrienne Garber 是 Dell Technologies 的高等教育高级策略师。她告诉美国之音慢速英语,AI for Workforce 计划为学生提供实践培训。
    "The AI for Workforce curriculum is anchored in portfolio projects, real-world authentic learning experiences, real data sets, and problems that are contributed by a community of practice."
    “AI for Workforce 课程以组合项目、真实世界的真实学习经验、真实数据集和问题为基础由实践社区贡献。”
    Carlos Contreras is the director of Intel's AI for Workforce program. He noted that the program includes training in ethics, making it different from other kinds of technology training. The AI training asks students to think about when it is right or wrong to use machine learning and how people should use it.
    Carlos Contreras 是英特尔 AI for Workforce 项目的主管。他指出,该计划包括道德培训,使其不同于其他类型的技术培训。人工智能培训要求学生思考什么时候使用机器学习是对还是错,以及人们应该如何使用它。
    He also noted that students can begin AI training without knowing how to write computer code. He said, "This is a trend that we're seeing more and more around this technology. So, the entry point to get into AI is lower than if you want to get into, let's say, cyber-security."
    他还指出,学生可以在不知道如何编写计算机代码的情况下开始人工智能培训。他说,“这是一种趋势,我们越来越多地看到这项技术。因此,进入 AI 的切入点比你想进入的切入点要低,比方说,网络安全。”
    While students do not need to learn how to create AI software, the training helps them use it in useful ways. For example, in Arizona, a team of three students at Maricopa Community College developed an AI model to help identify seizures in patients with epilepsy. Epilepsy is a disease that affects the central nervous system.
    虽然学生不需要学习如何创建 AI 软件,但培训会帮助他们以有用的方式使用它。例如,在亚利桑那州,马里科帕社区学院的一个由三名学生组成的团队开发了一个人工智能模型来帮助识别癫痫患者的癫痫发作。癫痫是一种影响中枢神经系统的疾病。
    Contreras explained that students need to know how to define the problem they are working on, identify and classify the data sets they need to put into the AI computer models, and then run the models.
    Contreras 解释说,学生需要知道如何定义他们正在处理的问题,识别和分类他们需要输入人工智能计算机的数据集模型,然后运行
    "And then all the sudden, I have a trained model, or my process, for the problem I'm trying to solve."
    Garber, of Dell Technologies, noted that each community college can choose how it wants to use the AI for Workforce program. Instead of having one curriculum for all colleges, the program can be changed to serve the needs of each community.
    戴尔科技公司的加伯指出,每个社区学院都可以选择如何解决它想使用 AI for Workforce 程序。可以更改该计划以满足每个社区的需求,而不是为所有大学设置一个课程。
    "They're figuring out where in their academic pathways does this content fit. So, it might be a certificate program, it might be an associate's degree — in some cases it's a full bachelor's degree…And it is a very responsive learning content package."
    Gangidi's path of study
    Neethi Anand Gangidi explained to VOA Learning English some of the details of AI training at Houston Community College. Students first learn to analyze and organize information. Python is the software commonly used and is a starting point for classes in basic data science.
    Neethi Anand Gangidi向美国之音慢速英语讲解了休斯敦社区学院AI培训的一些细节。学生首先学会分析和组织信息。 Python 是常用的软件,是基础数据科学课程的起点。
    "And it is very easy for any individual from any country to learn about this. You have lots of videos on that…Just install it; download it. That's all you need. You need access. Start exploring."
    Gangidi said knowledge of statistics is helpful for working with data, but that students usually do not need high level mathematics such as calculus.
    Gangidi 说统计知识有助于处理数据,但学生通常不需要高水平数学,例如微积分。
    For the class, Introduction to Machine Learning, Gangidi learned how to build models to deal with a larger amount of data. She said tools from Amazon Web Services, Nvidia, and software such as Jupyter Notebook help students work with data faster and at a higher level.
    在“机器学习简介”课程中,Gangidi 学习了如何构建模型来处理大量数据。她说来自 Amazon Web Services、Nvidia 的工具以及 Jupyter Notebook 等软件可以帮助学生更快、更高水平地处理数据。
    HCC gave her a real data project to work on to help her use the AI training. Gangidi said that working on a real project helps students gain experience, which employers value.
    HCC 给了她一个真正的数据项目来帮助她使用人工智能训练。 Gangidi 说,在真实的项目中工作可以帮助学生获得经验,这是雇主​​看重的。
    Advice for students
    Gangidi says students should put their effort into their passion, or strong interests, rather than being concerned about the name of the university they choose to attend in the U.S.
    Gangidi 说学生应该把精力放在他们的热情或浓厚的兴趣上,而不是担心他们选择在美国就读的大学的名字
    "It doesn't matter if you're from Stanford, or Harvard, or community college. It all depends upon each individual."
    She was interested in HCC because it gave her the opportunity to work in teams on real problems, use innovation, and gain leadership experience.
    她对 HCC 很感兴趣,因为它让她有机会在团队中解决实际问题、运用创新并获得收益领导经验。
    She added that community colleges cost less to attend than four-year universities. In Texas, international students can also qualify for in-state tuition, the amount that someone living in the state pays to attend. This, along with scholarships, reduced her tuition costs from about $12,000 per semester to about $2,000 per semester.
    她补充说,社区学院的入读费用低于四年制大学。在得克萨斯州,国际学生也有资格获得州内学费,这是居住在该州的人支付的学费。这与奖学金一起,将她的学费从每学期约 12,000 美元减少到每学期约 2,000 美元。
    In addition to Neethi Anand's team, another team of students at HCC won a global award at this year's Global Impact Festival. The team used AI to develop an autonomous drone to enter dangerous places.
    除了 Neethi Anand 的团队,HCC 的另一组学生在今年的全球影响力节上获得了全球奖项。该团队使用 AI 开发了一种自主无人机,可以进入危险场所。
    Gangidi thinks there are many job opportunities for people who learn to work with data. She said, "If you know how to handle data, and if you have a passion…anything in AI, how to handle, analyze these data, and make a good story of the data—that's easy, you can land up in an AI job in any big company over there."
    Gangidi 认为,学习使用数据的人有很多工作机会。她说,“如果你知道如何处理数据,如果你有热情……人工智能中的任何东西,如何处理、分析这些数据,并为数据创造一个好的故事——这很容易,你可以进入人工智能领域在那边的任何一家大公司工作。”
      上一篇:2022年12月11日 VOA慢速英语:科学家研究已知最古老的 DNA 下一篇:2022年12月13日 VOA慢速英语:NASA 对猎户座试飞感到满意,因为航天器返回地球


