FTX Founder Arrested on Fraud Charges
FTX 创始人因欺诈指控被捕
FTX 创始人因欺诈指控被捕
The United States has charged the founder of cryptocurrency exchange FTX with several financial crimes.
美国指控加密货币交易所 FTX 的创始人犯有多项金融罪行。
Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested Monday in the Bahamas. He had resigned as FTX chief last month, shortly after the company declared bankruptcy, or financial failure.
Sam Bankman-Fried 周一在巴哈马群岛被捕。上个月,在公司宣布破产或财务失败后不久,他辞去了 FTX 首席执行官一职。
U.S. government lawyers named eight criminal charges against the 30-year-old businessman. They include wire fraud, money laundering and conspiring to defraud. He was also charged with making illegal campaign donations.
美国。政府律师对这位 30 岁的商人提出了八项刑事指控。它们包括电汇欺诈、洗钱和串谋诈骗。他还被指控进行非法竞选捐款。
Bankman-Fried was one of the largest political donors this year.
Bankman-Fried 是今年最大的政治捐助者之一。
Separately, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has brought civil charges against Bankman-Fried.
The SEC is the top government supervisor of the American stock market. It says Bankman-Fried defrauded investors and illegally used their money to buy homes for himself and his family.
美国证券交易委员会是美国股市的最高政府监管机构。它说 Bankman-Fried 欺骗投资者并非法使用他们的钱为自己和他的家人买房。
A lawyer for Bankman-Fried said Tuesday that he is examining the charges with his legal team and considering what to do.
Bankman-Fried 的律师周二表示,他正在与他的法律团队一起审查这些指控,并考虑采取什么措施
At one point, the FTX founder was thought to be one of the world's richest people. He launched the business in 2019. Forbes magazine estimated his wealth at more than $26.5 billion as the company quickly grew.
曾一度,FTX 创始人被认为是世界上最富有的人之一。他于 2019 年创办了这家公司。随着公司的快速发展,《福布斯》杂志估计他的财富超过 265 亿美元。
FTX failed in November, when reports came out that the company and another of Bankman-Fried's, Alameda Research, did not have as much money as people thought.
FTX 在 11 月失败了,当时有报道称该公司和 Bankman-Fried 的另一家公司 Alameda Research 没有人们想象的那么多钱。
FTX customers flooded the company with demands to withdraw their money, but FTX could not honor the requests. It had used the money to support Alameda Research.
FTX 客户涌入公司要求提取他们的资金钱,但 FTX 无法满足这些要求。它曾用这笔钱来支持 Alameda Research。
Gary Gensler is the head of the SEC. He said Bankman-Fried lied to investors.
Gary Gensler 是 SEC 的负责人。他说 Bankman-Fried 对投资者撒谎。
"Sam Bankman-Fried built a house of cards on a foundation of deception while telling investors that it was one of the safest buildings in crypto." A "house of cards" means a building of very weak structure.
“Sam Bankman-Fried 在欺骗的基础上建造了一座纸牌屋,同时告诉投资者这是加密货币中最安全的建筑之一。” “纸牌屋”是指结构非常脆弱的建筑物。
The commission said Bankman-Fried then used the Alameda Research money to make high-risk investments, purchase homes and make donations to political campaigns.
委员会表示,Bankman-Fried 随后使用 Alameda Research 的资金进行高风险投资、购买房屋并为政治活动捐款。
And, the SEC reports, Alameda Research did not keep track of the money coming from FTX.
而且,根据 SEC 的报告,Alameda Research 没有跟踪来自 FTX 的资金。
Bankman-Fried's arrest came just one day before he was to appear before the U.S. Congress to answer questions about FTX.
Bankman-Fried 被捕前一天他将出席美国国会回答有关 FTX 的问题。
Maxine Waters is a representative from California and the leader of the House Financial Services Committee. She said she was disappointed Bankman-Fried would not speak because, in her words, "the American public deserves to hear directly … about the actions that wiped out the hard-earned life savings of so many."
Maxine Waters是来自加州的代表,也是众议院金融服务委员会的领导人。她说,她对班克曼-弗里德不愿发言感到失望,因为用她的话说,“美国公众应该直接听到……关于这些行动耗尽了这么多人来之不易的毕生积蓄。”
In recent interviews, Bankman-Fried said he did not "knowingly" misuse the money from his customers and he thinks people will eventually get their money back.
在最近的采访中,Bankman-Fried 表示他并没有“故意”滥用客户的钱,他认为人们最终会收回他们的钱。
The SEC's team said it does not think those statements are true.