Ukrainian Children Get Therapy Help from Dogs
Mental health experts in Ukraine are using therapy dogs to help children deal with the harmful effects of the country's war with Russia.
The therapy is carried out at the Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation. It operates in the city of Boyarka, about 20 kilometers southwest of the capital, Kiev.
治疗在社会和心理康复中心进行。它在首都基辅西南约 20 公里的博亚尔卡市开展业务。
The government-run community center is currently helping people who have experienced traumatic experiences during the war. Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine in February.
政府经营的社区中心目前正在帮助那些在战争期间经历过创伤经历的人。俄罗斯在 2 月发动了对乌克兰的入侵。
In the past, psychologists at the center have used horses to carry out therapy with individuals. Dog therapy was recently added to the offerings.
A reporter from The Associated Press recently met with a group of children who received dog therapy at the center. The dog who took part was an 8-year-old American pit bull terrier named Bice.
美联社记者近日在该中心采访了一群接受犬类治疗的儿童。参加比赛的狗是一只名叫 Bice 的 8 岁美国斗牛犬。
Bice was kept outside a room where about 12 children were seated around a table. The children listened to psychologist Oksana Sliepova. "Who has a dog?" she asked the group. The space quickly filled with shouts of "Me, me, me!"
Bice 被关在一个房间外面,大约 12 个孩子围坐在一张桌子旁。孩子们听了心理学家奥克萨娜·斯利波娃 (Oksana Sliepova) 的讲话。“谁有狗?” 她问小组。空间里很快就充满了“我我我!”的叫喊声。
One young man said his dog was named Stitch. Another child announced he had a total of five dogs. But he said he could not remember all their names. This drew laughter from the group.
As the children waited to meet Bice, the setting looked very similar to a school classroom. But members of this group have personal war stories to tell.
当孩子们等待与 Bice 会面时,场景看起来与学校教室非常相似。但是这个群体的成员有个人的战争故事要讲。
Some witnessed Russian soldiers invading their hometowns and beating family members. Others are the sons, daughters, brothers or sisters of soldiers who are on the front lines or who were killed during the war.
When the time finally came for the youngsters to meet Bice, they could not contain their excitement. The children smiled and their faces lit up when the door opened and the dog ran into the room.
当孩子们终于见到 Bice 的时候,他们无法抑制自己的兴奋。当门打开,狗跑进房间时,孩子们笑了,脸上也放光了。
Darina Kokozei is Bice's owner and trainer. She asked the children to come over one by one to say hello. Bice performed several tricks on command. The group then formed a group hug with the therapy animal. For more than 30 minutes, Bice let everybody touch and hug him, without ever barking.
Darina Kokozei 是 Bice 的主人和教练。她让孩子们一一过来打招呼。Bice 在命令下执行了几个技巧。然后,该小组与治疗动物形成了一个集体拥抱。在 30 多分钟的时间里,Bice 让每个人都抚摸和拥抱他,从不吠叫。
It was the first time Sliepova had worked with a dog as part of her therapy work. She said she had researched the method and learned that working with dog "rehabilitators" can help children reduce anxiety and deal with traumatic experiences.
Sliepova observed how some children were afraid of loud noises, such as a window closing or the sound of an airplane. After hearing noises, some members of the group dropped to the floor or started asking whether a bomb shelter was close by.
Sliepova 观察到一些孩子是如何害怕大声的声音,例如窗户关闭或飞机的声音。听到声音后,该小组的一些成员跌倒在地或开始询问附近是否有防空洞。
Among the children were a brother and sister from Kupyansk, a city in the eastern area of Kharkiv. Sliepova said the children had witnessed Russian soldiers breaking into their home. The troops, armed with machine guns, took hold of their grandfather, then put a bag on his head and beat him.
"Each child is psychologically traumatized in different ways," Sliepova said.
When Bices's owner was asked to identify the best message the dog can give the children, she answered: "Freedom." She added, "Freedom from problems, and happiness."
当 Bices 的主人被问及这条狗能给孩子们的最好信息时,她回答说:“自由。” 她补充说,“没有问题,幸福。”