教程:2023年BBC新闻听力  浏览:133  
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    Virtual reality technology is now being used to help enrich the lives of the elderly. Retirement homes are experimenting with VR headsets, which can offer immobilized people a release from their daily indoor limitations and offer a range of therapeutic benefits.

    Some residents at a care home in Devon, England are able to explore underwater tropical oceans and visit zoos and other attractions, all without needing to leave their armchairs.

    The applications of VR are not just limited to gaming and visual experiences. Headset applications also create opportunities for senior citizens to socialize, play, and interact with fellow residents, friends, and family outside the care home. Loneliness is one of the biggest factors that increase disease risk in older people, with some scientists estimating it equates to the health risks of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.
    VR 的应用不仅限于游戏和视觉体验。头显应用还为老年人创造了社交、游戏以及与护理院外的同伴、朋友和家人互动的机会。孤独是增加老年人患病风险的最大因素之一,据一些科学家估计,这相当于每天吸一包烟的健康风险。

    Some VR applications are incredibly useful for the families of elderly individuals. These VR experiences can show family members what it's like to live with certain disabilities, often providing an eye-opening experience for relatives who simulate day-to-day tasks within the VR application. This can serve as a catalyst for meaningful conversations within families, promoting empathy and understanding.
    一些 VR 应用程序对老年人的家人非常有用。这些 VR 体验可以向家庭成员展示身患某些残疾的人是怎样生活的,往往能让在 VR 应用程序中模拟日常任务的亲属大开眼界。这可以成为家庭内部进行有意义对话的催化剂,促进共鸣和理解。

    Some VR applications can help the elderly reminisce about their past. These applications allow users to virtually walk down roads, towns, and landscapes that look as they did decades ago. This nostalgic experience can not only enhance general well-being but also provide invaluable assistance in treating dementia patients by unlocking memories.
    有些 VR 应用程序可以帮助老年人回忆往事。这些应用程序允许用户以虚拟方式漫步在几十年前的道路、城镇和风景中。这种怀旧体验不仅能提高老年人的整体健康水平,还能通过开启记忆为痴呆症患者的治疗提供宝贵的帮助。

    In the same vein, learning can become more challenging with age, despite the cognitive benefits it offers. VR enables users to learn new skills hands-on, providing an easier method for retaining information from a first-person perspective. By gamifying learning and transforming it into a visual process, VR can help elderly residents engage in new subjects, skills, and languages, offering a constructive and active pastime.
    同样,随着年龄的增长,学习也会变得更具挑战性,尽管它能带来认知上的益处。虚拟现实技术能让用户亲身体验学习新技能的过程,以第一人称视角提供了一种更容易记住信息的方法。通过将学习游戏化并将其转化为视觉过程,VR 可以帮助老年居民学习新的科目、技能和语言,提供一种建设性的、积极的消遣方式。
      上一篇:双语新闻:风险偏好增强乐观情绪 下一篇:双语新闻:科技为文化旅游注入新动力


