New research suggests that, even a simple exercise program might help older people with light or mild memory problems. Doctors have long advised patients to do physical activity to help keep their brains healthy, but the US government supported research marks the longest study of whether exercise makes any difference once memory starts to decline.
Researchers found around 300 inactive older adults with memory changes called mild cognitive impairment (MCI). MCI is a condition that sometimes comes before Alzheimer's disease. Half of the older adults did aerobic exercises, and the rest did stretching and balance movements that raised their heart rate so little. People in both groups got attention from trainers who worked with them at youth organization centers called YMCAs around the United States.
When Covid-19 shut down gyms, the trainers helped the study participants keep moving at home by video calls. After a year of testing mental activity, showed neither group had worsened. Said lead researcher Laura Baker of Wake Forest School of Medicine in the state of North Carolina.
Brain scans did not show the shrinkage that often goes with worsening memory problems, she said. By comparison, similar MCI patients in another long-term study of brain health, but without exercise experience.
她说,大脑扫描并没有显示记忆问题恶化时经常出现的萎缩现象。相比之下,在另一项关于大脑健康的长期研究中,类似的 MCI 患者没有运动经历。