VOA慢速英语,作为国际英语学习者的重要资源,通过清晰缓慢的发音与简洁的词汇,为初学者及中等水平学习者搭建了通往流利英语的桥梁。它不仅帮助提升听力理解能力,还丰富了词汇量,增强了语感,是学习地道英语表达不可或缺的工具,对全球英语学习者的语言提升至关重要。让我们一起进入今天的VOA慢速英语听力训练:To cross the Rubicon。
To cross the Rubicon means to make a decision of permanence. It cannot be changed; it is irreversible, a done deal, no cancellations. Someone who has crossed the Rubicon has reached a point where they cannot change a course of action. In other words, there is no going back.
“To cross the Rubicon”意味着做出了一个永久性的决定。这个决定无法改变,它是不可逆的,已经尘埃落定,无法取消。有些人已经“crossed the Rubicon”,就意味着已经到了一个无法改变行动方向的地步。换句话说,就是无法回头了。
Now, for its origin, this expression comes from a story about Julius Caesar. Rubicon is the name of the river he crossed with his army. Experts say this started a civil war in Rome in 49 BCE.
When our enemies draw a line in the sand, and we pass over that line, we could also say we have crossed the Rubicon. Therefore, the result or consequence of the decision or action is severe; it has weight.
当我们的敌人在沙地上画一条线,而我们跨过那条线时,我们也可以说“we have crossed the Rubicon”(我们已经无法回头了)。因此,这个决定或行动的结果或后果是严重的,它有分量。
If I cross the Rubicon, I have made a fateful and final decision. Therefore, we don't use this expression for low stakes situations, times when nothing is at stake. If nothing is at stake, nothing important is at risk.
如果我“crossed the Rubicon”,那我就做出了一个决定性的、最终的决定。因此,我们不会在低风险的情况下使用这个表达,也就是在那些没有什么可失去的时候。如果没有什么可失去的,那就没有什么重要的东西会面临风险。
For those lighter times, we can say that ship has sailed or that train has left the station. So, save "cross the Rubicon" for a heavy, meaningful decision or action.
对于那些轻松的时刻,我们可以说那艘船已经启航了,或者那列火车已经离开了车站。所以,把“cross the Rubicon”这个表达用在那些重大、有意义的决定或行动上吧。
Here are two friends using the expression:
"Did you hear about Angela and Dimitri? They broke up. They seemed like such a great couple. What happened?"
"Well, Angela accepted a dream job out in Alaska. She's going to be researching polar bears."
"That sounds great. It is great for her."
"The problem is, she didn't tell Dimitri. He found out from some guy who works at their favorite coffee shop."
"Oh, that's not good."
"Yeah, Dmitri said he can forgive a lot, but not this. She crossed the Rubicon when she decided to move without telling him first."
"I like Angela, but Dimitri has a point."
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