No matter Google will finally withdraw all business from China or not, I think it is time to review Google’s four-year operations in China. So I made the following list, if I omitted anything important or made any mistake, feel free to leave your comments.
- July 19, 2005, Kaifu Lee joined Google, which was also a big thing in tech sector at that time
- January 26, 2006, Google launched in China, which filtered search results to obey China’s law and regulations
- March 2, 2006, Tencent launched its search engine service, which was powered by Google’s technology. Actually Tencent partnered with Google on search service and search ads on Feb 4, 2005
- April 12, 2006, Eric Schmidt announced Google’s Chinese name 谷歌
- June 26, 2006, Google sold its 2.6% stakes in Baidu
- January 4, 2007, partnership with China Mobile
- January 5, 2007, announced investment in Xunlei, a mega-file downloader
- March 2007, acquired, the acquisition was announced on May 23, 2008
- March 12, 2007, launched Daohang service, which is a hot sites directory in one page. Daohang is a simple but very China-oriented service
- April 2, 2007, announced its investment in, one of the biggest BBS in China
- April 4, 2007, launched its Chinese Input software, however which was found to copy the code from Sohu’s Chinese Input software. Later Google acknowledged it and apologized to Sohu
- May 24, 2007, launched China’s life search service, you can search information on housing, jobs, train tickets, restaurants and so on
- June 11, 2007, announced its strategic partnership with Sina, largest online portal in China, on search and adsense service.
- July 1, 2007, Netease announced Yodao, its own search engine, and it will not renew its partnership with Google.
- August 20, 2007, Google announced its new products on, these two services, Tianya Laiba and Tianya Answer, intended to compete with Baidu’s popular service, Baidu Tieba and Baidu Zhidao.
- September 27, 2007, Google finally got the ICP licence which is required by China’s regulators to operate website in China
- January 30, 2008, Google released a Google map mashup, Spring Festival Mass Transportation Map, which was regarded as a product to show the innovative culture of Google.
- March 26, 2008, announced its $1m investment in Comsenz, a social software developer.
- May 8, 2008, launched its dictionary software which is a partner with Kingsoft
- August 5, 2008, announced its partnership with to operate music search service in China
- March 30, 2009, launched its music mp3 download service in China
- June 18, 2009, China Internet Illegal Information Reporting Centre (CIIRC) published a report in its frontage condemning for spreading obscene contents. The report, titled as “Strongly condem google for spreading indecent and obscene information”. CCTV also made series reports on the issues, which made Google to suspend its Google Suggest and overseas web page search temporarily.
- September 3, 2009, Tencent announced it will start to use its own search technology on to replace Google’s search technology.
- September 4, 2009, Kaifu Lee resigned from Google to run his incubator
- October, 13, 2009, Two Chinese writers’ groups claim that Google has scanned Chinese works into an electronic database in violation of international copyright standards.
- January 13, 2010, Google announced its new China approach, and stop filtering search results, and it may pull out of China.
- 2005年7月19日,李开复加盟google,这也当时科技领域一件大事。
- 2006年1月26日,google在中国推出遵守中国的法律法规过滤搜索结果的
- 2006年3月2日,腾讯推出了由google的技术支持的搜索引擎服务。事实上2005年2月4日腾讯已和google在搜索服务和搜索广告上有过合作。
- 2006年4月12日,埃里克施密特宣布google的中文名称“谷歌”。
- 2006年6月26日,谷歌出售它在百度2.6%的股份
- 2007年1月4日,与中国移动合作。
- 2007年1月5日宣布投资大型文件下载工具迅雷。
- 2007年3月收购,并于2008年5月23日宣布此项收购。
- 2007年3月12日,推出导航服务,即一个集合热门网站在一个页面的网页。导航是一个简单但非常有中国特色的服务。
- 2007年4月2日宣布投资中国最大的论坛。
- 2007年4月4日,推出其中文输入软件 ,但被发现复制搜狐的中文输入软件代码。后来谷歌承认并向搜狐道歉。
- 2007年5月24日,推出中国的生活搜索服务 ,您可以搜索住房,工作,火车票,餐馆等信息。
- 2007年6月11日,宣布与中国最大门户网站新浪在搜索和AdSense服务上的战略伙伴关系。
- 2007年7月1日,网易发布自己的搜索引擎有道,并不再继续与谷歌的合作伙伴关系。
- 2007年8月20日,谷歌宣布Tianya.cn的新产品,这两项服务, 天涯来吧和天涯问答 ,目的是与百度受欢迎的贴吧和知道服务竞争。
- 2007年9月27日,谷歌终于获得了监管部门要求的在中国运行网站的ICP证。
- 08年1月30号,谷歌发布了谷歌地图的应用(mashup)—— 春节地下交通地图,被认为是展示了谷歌的创新文化的产品。
- 2008年3月26日,宣布其在社区平台软件开发商康盛的100万美元投资。
- 2008年5月8日,和金山合作推出了词典软件。
- 2008年8月5日,宣布将与Top100.cn合作关系, 经营在中国的音乐搜索服务。
- 09年3月30日,推出了在中国的音乐mp3下载服务。
- 2009年6月18日,中国互联网违法信息举报中心(CIIRC)在其主页发表一份报告谴责Google.cn传播淫秽内容。该报告题为“强烈谴责谷歌传播淫秽色情和低俗信息”。中央电视台就此也做了一系列报告,这使得谷歌一段时间内暂停了其谷歌建议和海外网页搜索业务。
- 2009年9月3日,腾讯宣布将开始使用Soso.com自己的搜索技术取代谷歌的搜索技术。
- 2009年9月4日, 李开复从谷歌辞职转而经营自己的孵化器公司。
- 2009年10月13日, 两个中国作家组织声称 ,谷歌扫描入电子数据库中的作品的行为侵犯了中国作家的国际版权。
- 2010年1月13日,谷歌宣布了对中国的新态度,停止过滤搜索结果,并可能退出中国。