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    Hong Kong, one of the most densely packed spotson the planet, is running out of places to bury itsdead — leaving thousands of corpses either in limboor in six-year resting plots before being exhumedand cremated.


    The territory, home to 8m people on a tiny spit ofland, epitomises the twin problems of land scarcityand an ageing population. Deaths each year haverisen from about 25,000 three decades ago to more than 43,000 in 2013.


    “We have 20,000-30,000 urns of ashes in this area right now,” said Betsy Ma, a funeral parlourdirector. “This is our responsibility. After the ceremony where do they put [them]? Thegovernment cannot provide enough space.”

    “我们这里现在有2万至3万瓮骨灰,”一家殡仪馆的主管Betsy Ma称,“这是我们的责任。葬礼结束后骨灰放在哪?政府无法提供足够的地方。”

    Undertakers keep the ashes at the back of their shops until a permanent resting space isfound. This means the deceased also spend longer in funeral-parlour limbo, depriving families ofa dignified resting place for their loved ones. Bills are rising too, fittingly for a place where theliving also pay some of the highest prices in the world for shoebox-sized apartments.


    The Chinese territory’s Food, Environment and Hygiene Department is debating more thandoubling the cost of burial to HK$6,670 (US$860) in order to “recover the full cost of providingthe relevant goods and services”.

    中国香港特别行政区食物环境卫生署(Food, Environment and Hygiene Department)正在讨论将安葬费用提高逾一倍至6670港元(合860美元),以便“收回提供相关物品和服务的全部成本”。

    Bills are swelling even for those who choose the more space-efficient niches of the city’scolumbariums, giant locker-like repositories in which ashes are kept. There are proposals tomore than double the price of keeping an urn in a niche from HK$140 to HK$345. Thegovernment has responded by building more public columbariums, two of which added almost25,000 spaces last June.


    Applications for columbarium niches almost doubled to 23,235 between 2010 and 2014, withthe average waiting time increasing from two and a half years to four and a half. While waitingfor a permanent resting place, it costs HK$80 a month to keep ashes in temporary storagefacilities.


    Sage International, the Hong Kong-listed funeral services group that is Ms Ma’s employer, hasstarted to encourage its clients to use an alternative way to commemorate their loved ones— turning their ashes into gemstones.

    仁智国际(Sage International)是一家在香港上市的殡葬服务集团,Betsy Ma便是该集团的员工。该集团已开始鼓励其顾客采用另一种方式纪念他们所爱的人——把其骨灰转变为钻石。

    Ms Ma said a few hundred customers each year choose this glittering way to commemorate thedeceased. She has even used the service herself. “This is my father,” she said, pointing at thestone in her earring.

    Betsy Ma称,每年有数百名顾客选择用这种“闪闪发光”的方式来纪念逝者。就连她自己也选择了这种服务。“这是我父亲,”她指着自己耳环上的钻石说。

      上一篇:The Local:奥地利十大怪(1) 下一篇:英国比萨饼连锁店拟扩张中国业务


