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    PizzaExpress’s new Chinese private equity owner iseyeing a buyout of the chain’s Hong Kong-basedfranchise partner as the chain beloved of the Britishmiddle classes expands across Asia.


    Beijing-based Hony Capital, which acquired the pizzagroup in a £900m deal with Cinven last year, intendsto directly acquire 26 franchised PizzaExpressrestaurants in China the company said on Monday,and plans to open up to 15 more every year.

    总部位于北京的弘毅投资(Hony Capital)去年与Cinven达成一笔9亿英镑的交易,收购了PizzaExpress。这家私募股权集团周一宣布,拟直接收购中国境内26家PizzaExpress特许经营餐厅,并计划每年开张至多15家新餐厅。

    “The PizzaExpress board were very keen to grow our business in China before Hony Capitalacquired us,” said Richard Hodgson, chief executive. “Our restaurants in China are typicallytwice as busy as those in the UK.”

    “弘毅投资收购我们之前,PizzaExpress董事会就非常热衷于发展我们在中国的业务,”PizzaExpress行政总裁理查德•霍奇森(Richard Hodgson)表示,“我们在中国的餐厅一般要比在英国的餐厅繁忙两倍。”

    The Hony deal showed the growing Chinese investor appetite for British consumer brands,and followed on from Bright Food’s purchase of Weetabix in a deal that valued the breakfastcereal at $1.2bn.

    弘毅的这笔交易显示了中国投资者对英国消费品牌的“胃口”越来越大。此前光明食品(Bright Food)曾收购维他麦(Weetabix),该交易对这款早餐麦片品牌的估值达到12亿美元。

    PizzaExpress opened its first wholly-owned restaurant in Beijing last year, and another inShenzhen will follow shortly. “There are dozens of second-tier Chinese cities with populationssimilar to that of London,” Mr Hodgson said, adding that between 10 and 15 openings a yearwere being targeted.


    “It has taken us 15 years to get to 27 restaurants, and we’re not about to make any mistakesin China by rushing,” he added.


    This compares with a target of 20 openings a year in the UK, where PizzaExpress has 400restaurants, and last month celebrated 50 years since its first outlet was opened in Soho.


    The China franchise was established 15 years ago by Justin Kennedy, a former investmentbanker at Citigroup in Hong Kong, who introduced a ‘Peking Duck’ pizza for Chinese diners.


    First-half results released on Monday showed the chain was earning a decent crust for its newChinese owners, with a 15.8 per cent increase in earnings before interest, tax, depreciation andamortisation to £55m on total revenues that grew 9.4 per cent to £231m.


    The group’s UK restaurants saw a 6.8 per cent increase in like-for-like sales in the 28 weeks to11 January, compared with the same period a year ago. Mr Hodgson said sales had beenboosted by “improved consumer sentiment, particularly in London” and the number of coversand average spend per head were both rising.


    Combined with the impact of deflationary ingredients prices, this boosted the group’s ebitdamargin by 1.3 percentage points to 23.8 per cent.


    International sales, including China and the Middle East, rose 45 per cent on a like-for-like basis,with restaurants opened in Delhi and Mumbai in the period.


    Sales to UK supermarkets — responsible for 31m pizza sales a year, compared with 29m soldthrough its UK restaurants — were “trading well ahead of last year” he added.


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