Luxembourg Premier Is First E.U. Leader to Marry Same-Sex Partner
PARIS — The prime minister of Luxembourg on Friday wed his partner of several years in the first same-sex marriage of a European Union leader.
Prime Minister Xavier Bettel married Gauthier Destenay, a Belgian architect, less than a year after lawmakers in Luxembourg overwhelmingly legalized same-sex marriage, a sign of shifting attitudes in the predominantly Roman Catholic duchy.
卢森堡首相泽维尔·贝特尔(Xavier Bettel)的结婚对象是比利时建筑师高蒂尔·德特奈(Gauthier Destenay)。不到一年前,卢森堡的议员以绝对多数令同性婚姻合法化,代表着这个罗马天主教人口占多数的公国在态度上的转变。
Photographs and videos in the Luxembourg news media showed the couple beaming as they arrived hand in hand at the capital’s town hall for the wedding and later waving happily to an assembled crowd after the private ceremony.
Mr. Bettel, a 42-year-old lawyer, is the head of the center-right Democratic Party and was elected prime minister in 2013 after having served as mayor of the capital, the city of Luxembourg. He replaced Jean-Claude Juncker, now head of the European Commission, who had been in power for nearly 19 years.
贝特尔现年42岁,曾经是一名律师,目前是中右翼的民主党(Democratic Party)党魁。他在担任卢森堡市长之后于2013年当选首相。他当时接替的是已经掌权19年的让-克洛德·容克(Jean-Claude Juncker)。后者目前是欧盟委员会(European Commission)主席。
Mr. Bettel acknowledged that he was gay in 2008 but often played down the significance. “I have just one life, and I don’t want to hide my life,” he told The Los Angeles Times last year. “But I was not the ‘gay candidate.’ People didn’t vote for me because I’m gay or I’m straight.”
贝特尔于2008年承认了自己的同性恋倾向,但往往会弱化这件事的意义。“我只有一次生命,我不想隐藏自己的生活,”他对《洛杉矶时报》(The Los Angeles Times)说。“但我不是‘同性恋候选人’。人们投票给我,并非因为我是同性恋或异性恋。”
Mr. Destenay proposed after several years of a civil partnership, and he was often seen participating in official ceremonies beside Mr. Bettel, whose Twitter page now features a picture of the couple smiling at each other.
Johanna Sigurdardottir, the former prime minister of Iceland, which is not a European Union member, married her female partner in 2010, while still in office.
2010年,当时的冰岛总理约翰娜·西于尔扎多蒂(Johanna Sigurdardottir)在任职期间与其女性伴侣结婚。不过,冰岛不是欧盟成员国。
In an interview with The Luxemburger Wort, Stéphane Bern, a French journalist, noted how Luxembourg, often seen as more conservative than its European neighbors, had surprised even the president of France, where same-sex marriage was legalized in 2013 after months of tumultuous and angry debate.
法国记者斯特凡纳·贝恩(Stéphane Bern)在接受《卢森堡之声》(The Luxemburger Wort)采访时指出,卢森堡往往被视作比其欧洲邻国更保守,但就连法国总统也未预料到此事。2013年,经过多个月激烈而愤怒的辩论,同性婚姻最终在法国合法化。