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    My wife and children are American citizens. Every summer we fly from Europe to visit family. This year we won’t (cue shrugs from Trump supporters), mostly because I don’t want to holiday in Donald Trump’s America. Some of the other 77.5 million international visitors to the US in 2015 may feel similarly. Already, Trump is creating a new generation of anti-Americans. True, some despotic regimes such as Saudi Arabia also practise religious discrimination. But I don’t go on holiday in Saudi Arabia either, and I thought the US’s standards were higher.

    我的妻子和孩子都是美国公民。每年夏季,我们都会从欧洲飞往美国看望家人。今年,我们不会去了(特朗普的支持者对此无所谓),很大程度上是因为我不想在唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)治下的美国度假。2015年前往美国旅游的国际游客有7750万人,其中一些游客可能有类似的感觉。特朗普已经创造了新一代的反美主义者。的确,沙特等一些专制政权也推行宗教歧视。但我也不去沙特度假,我认为美国的标准更高一些。

    I was always pro-American. I grew up on wartime stories of chocolate-distributing GIs liberating European towns. In 1980, aged 10, I moved from the Netherlands to California with my parents and was enchanted. The houses were bigger than in cold, pinched Europe, the TV more fun, and Americans spoke to strangers on the street. Even ordinary people had big houses, and they routinely ate out. (In Europe in 1980, a restaurant meal was a big deal, reserved for occasions like your grandparents’ silver wedding anniversary or a cousin’s release from prison.)


    When I returned to the US as a student, I was enchanted again. By then I knew a bit about the country’s troubled past, but most Americans seemed open about it and keen to improve. One of my professors had a set speech in which he called race “the unfinished business of American democracy”. Though he was a pompous charlatan, I bought his general thrust: the US gets better.


    In 2002 I met my wife, and began visiting the country with her. But I found it was getting worse. The post-9/11 terrorism panic added countless people to the nation’s security staff, many of whom liked fondling their gun holsters and yelling at people. TV news pumped fear and stupidity into the American ether. And you didn’t need to be Thomas Piketty to diagnose rising inequality. Rich white people (lots of them heirs) lived in gated communities, where poor non-white people guarded them against other poor non-white people. In America’s big liberal cities, with their non-racist, non-sexist speech codes designed to trip up the unwary, the rich sealed themselves off through house prices. The poor were free to wait tables, fight in Iraq and devote much of their remaining mindspace to worrying about health insurance. It’s true that inequality has risen across the west, but no country in the EU has a Gini coefficient of income inequality anywhere near as high as the US’s.

    2002年,我遇到了我的妻子,开始和她一起在美国各地旅行。但我发现美国越来越糟。2001年9/11恐怖袭击带来的恐慌让美国大幅增加了安保人员,其中许多人喜欢抚摸自己的枪套并对人大喊大叫。电视新闻向美国的空气中注入恐惧和愚昧。你不必是托马斯•皮凯蒂(Thomas Piketty)就能发现美国社会不平等现象日趋严重。富裕的白人(许多人的财富是继承而来)居住在封闭式社区中,而贫穷的有色人种给他们当保安,保护他们不受其他贫穷有色人种的攻击。美国奉行自由主义的大城市出台了不能涉及种族主义和性别歧视的言论准则,专门揪粗心者的错,富人们在这些城市借助房价将自己封闭起来。穷人有在餐厅当服务员、在伊拉克打仗、将剩下的精力主要用于操心医疗保险的“自由”。没错,整个西方的不平等现象都有所加剧,但欧盟哪个国家都没有美国那么高的基尼系数。

    Driving through Georgia and South Carolina one recent summer, we’d pass a predominantly white town and, a few miles later, a much poorer black town. It reminded me of visits to my grandparents in apartheid South Africa in the 1970s and 1980s. Back then, many people boycotted South Africa. My parents felt they should keep visiting their aged parents but, aged 16, for complicated teenage reasons, selfish as well as political, I decided to stop going.


    It’s easy to sneer that only hysterical liberals will stop visiting Trump’s US. But I never heard of anyone staying away from the US under George W Bush or from the UK since Brexit. I disagree with Brexit, but I accept that it’s a reasonable choice to make. Handing a country and its nuclear codes to a volatile, narcissistic, lying, Putin-supporting, sexually harassing, law-defying racist is not.

    人们很容易嘲笑称,只有歇斯底里的自由主义者才会抵制去特朗普治下的美国。但我从未听说有人不去乔治•W•布什(George W Bush)治下的美国或者退欧后的英国。我不赞同英国退欧,但我认可这是英国民众做出的合理选择。将一个国家及其核密码交给一个反复无常、自恋、谎话连篇、支持普京、性骚扰以及蔑视法律的种族主义者不是合理的选择。

    I don’t want to holiday in a country that has imposed a travel ban on Muslims, albeit a watered-down version of the one Trump promised during the campaign. Anyone denying that his executive order banning people from seven Muslim-majority countries is religious discrimination should recall Trump’s own promise to exempt Christians. His confidant Rudy Giuliani boasted this week that Trump asked him, à propos his pledged “Muslim ban”: “Show me the right way to do it legally.” In fact, the scheme Giuliani helped cook up appears to be illegal. The administration is trying to implement it anyway. When the next Islamist terrorist strikes in any majority-white country, Trump may well claim prescience and extend the ban. Meanwhile, he has also banned all refugees. For now, I would visit his America only for a reporting trip.

    我不想在一个对穆斯林颁发旅行禁令的国家度假,尽管这个禁令已经较特朗普在竞选期间的承诺有所缩水。如果有人认为他针对7个穆斯林国家公民的旅行禁令不是宗教歧视的话,那么想想他自己承诺的对基督教徒的豁免。他的心腹鲁迪•朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)最近曾经夸口称,特朗普就其承诺的“穆斯林禁令”问他:“告诉我合法实施禁令的正确方式。”实际上,朱利安尼帮助拼凑出的这个禁令似乎是非法的。但特朗普政府无论如何都想实施这个禁令。当伊斯兰恐怖分子下一次在白人为主的国家发起袭击的时候,特朗普大可宣称自己有先见之明,然后扩大禁令。与此同时,他还禁止所有难民入境美国。就目前而言,我只会因采访而去美国。

    Some sort of foreign travel boycott might please his supporters — unless they work in travel and tourism. In 2014, the industry “directly supported” 5.3 million American jobs, said the World Travel and Tourism Council. Given that only 14 per cent of travellers in the US come from outside the country, let’s say they support roughly 740,000 jobs. That’s more than five times the number of American workers who, according to the American Iron and Steel Institute, are directly employed in the steel industry. Alienating foreigners could prove an expensive way to have fun, especially as some activists are now also calling for boycotts of American goods.

    外国人以某种形式抵制去美国旅行可能让特朗普的支持者高兴——除非他们在旅游和旅行行业工作。世界旅游及旅行理事会(World Travel and Tourism Council)表示,2014年,旅游旅行行业“直接支持了”530万美国人的就业。鉴于美国的旅行者只有14%来自海外,那么他们支持了约74万美国人的就业。根据美国钢铁协会(American Iron and Steel Institute)的数据,这是美国钢铁行业直接就业人数的5倍多。事实可能证明,疏远外国人是一种昂贵的玩笑方式,尤其是一些活动人士现在也呼吁抵制美国商品。

    I’m not sure how long my boycott will last. Reality changes so fast these days that I wake up some mornings feeling like I’ve landed on a new planet. I hope one day we’ll return to the old one.


      上一篇:我们为何总离事实如此遥远? 下一篇:机智警告牌 专治各种熊孩子


