It’s a tearful but joyous moment when your baby birds (your children) finally fly out of the nest, move out of the family home, and start making it on their own. Or rather, it would be a tearful but joyous moment if it actually happened.
The reality is, however, that history appears to be repeating itself. In the West — Europe, the United States, Australia, etc. — more and more youngsters choose to live with their parents and move out of their family homes far later than usual. Just like in the days of yore. Bored Panda reached out to Andrea Breen, an Associate Professor at the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition at the University of Guelph, about the phenomenon, so scroll down to read the full interview.
然而,现实是,历史似乎正在重演。在西方——欧洲、美国、澳大利亚等——越来越多的年轻人选择与父母同住,并比平常晚得多才搬出自己的家。就像以前一样。Bored Panda就这一现象联系了圭尔夫大学家庭关系与应用营养学系的副教授安德里亚·布林,所以向下滚动查看完整的采访。
According to Breen from the University of Guelph, “economic necessity is a key reason” why kids live with their parents for longer. “More and more families need to combine incomes in order to afford basic necessitates, including housing, food, healthcare, and access to education. Economic necessity is driving young adults to stay in (or return to) their parents’ homes and it is also an important factor in many older adults moving in with their adult children (also an important related trend).”
More and more young people in the West choose to live with their parents instead of moving out
Image credits: DGLimages
Among the European countries where most ‘youngsters’ stay with their moms and dads the longest are Montenegro, Croatia, Slovakia, and Italy
Image credits: Eurostat
According to Eurostat’s 2018 data, the average age across the European Union when young people leave their parents’ homes is more than 25 years old. In 2017, Eurostat showed that 35.3 percent of 25 to 34-year-old men were still living at home, compared to 21.7 percent of women of the same age group. The smallest percentage of young people living with their parents was found in Denmark (3.2 percent), Finland (4.7 percent), and Sweden (6 percent). While the highest was in Croatia (59.7 percent), Slovakia (57 percent), and Greece (56.3 percent).
欧盟统计局 2018年的数据显示,欧盟年轻人离开父母家的平均年龄超过25岁。2017年,欧盟统计局的数据显示,在25岁至34岁的男性中,35.3%的人仍然住在家里,而同一年龄段的女性中,这一比例为21.7%。与父母同住的年轻人比例最小的是丹麦(3.2%)、芬兰(4.7%)和瑞典(6%)。克罗地亚(59.7%)、斯洛伐克(57%)和希腊(56.3%)的失业率最高。
Meanwhile, Statista’s 2018 data shows that the average age when ‘youngsters’ from Montenegro left their family homes was 32.8. Croatians are in second place with an average age of 31.8; Slovakians are third with 30.9; Italians come right after that with 30.1.
与此同时,Statista 2018年的数据显示,黑山“年轻人”离开家的平均年龄为32.8岁。克罗地亚人以平均年龄31.8岁位居第二;斯洛伐克人以30.9岁排在第三;意大利人紧随其后,是30.1岁。
Europeans end up living in their family homes longer, just like decades ago
Image credits: DrewDeSilver
The situation is similar in the United States
Image credits: Pew Research Center/NPR
The reasons for staying with your parents can be financial, but there are others as well
Image credits: Pew Research Center
This is how people reacted to young adults moving out of their parents’ homes later in life