It should come with a “Don’t try this at home” disclaimer, but instead one woman is challenging the whole internet to attempt her viral stunt.
Gymnast Jax Kranitz, a student at the University of Iowa, shared a video on her Instagram of her lying on the floor with her hands held behind her back. Somehow, laws of physics be damned, she pulls her legs into splits behind her and then foists her body upright into a seated position.
体操运动员Jax Kranitz是爱荷华大学的一名学生,她在自己的Instagram上分享了一段自己手放在背后躺在地板上的视频。不知何故,物理定律被诅咒,她把她的腿在她身后分成两半,然后强迫她的身体直立成一个坐着的姿势。
“New flex challenge??? Tag a friend that you think can do this,” Kranitz writes on her video, which has more than 500,000 views so far. #FlexChallenge was trending on Twitter Monday morning, with videos documenting varying ranges of success.
“新的flex挑战? ? ?给你认为可以做到这一点的朋友贴上标签,”克拉尼茨在她的视频中写道。该视频目前已有50多万次点击量。#FlexChallenge周一早上在Twitter上流行起来,视频记录了各种各样的成功。
Kranitz made the move look easy, not rolling over on her side or stomach to get up, even showing off a dance move after finishing the challenge. Many followers were quick to praise her flexibility — but weren’t about to try and do it themselves.
“I ain’t blessed like that,” one commenter wrote.
“Whatttt! Looking at it makes me pull my groin already,” wrote footballer Dominic Oduro on Twitter.
“Whatttt !看着它我已经拉伤了我的腹股沟,”足球运动员多米尼克·奥德鲁在推特上写道。
Others made valiant efforts to try it out. For the most part, they ended up merely writhing on the floor, hopeless to match Kranitz’s success.