These are not just bikes with motors, they are an entirely different mobility platform.
About the Bike
First, let's talk about the bike. Gazelle has been making bikes in the Netherlands since 1892, and their e-bikes have all the attributes of classic dutch-style bikes: solid, heavy, durable, with a comfortable upright riding position. The Medeo, which I have been riding, is their lowest priced model, starting at about US$2500. It has a 250 watt Bosch mid-motor churning out 50 Nm of torque and a 400 watt-hour battery that will push it about 59 miles in ECO mode. I have been using it mostly in Tour mode, which will go approximately 33 miles.
Gazell Medeo on the Bentway Park/ Lloyd Alter/CC BY 2.0
It is a step-through design which at first I had to force myself to use. In fact, this is much easier. The bike is substantial and has real inertia, taking a push to get going but then never stops. It feels solid, stable, confident. In Tour mode I play nicely with others in the bike lane, going at about the pace of the 25 year old commuters, getting passed by the speedsters.
Battery and brakes/ Lloyd Alter/CC BY 2.0
The battery is up high too, built into the carrier. I thought this might be a problem, that perhaps it would be better to keep the weight low, but it's a great carrier and I never noticed issues of centre of gravity.
There are a couple of caveats. For e-bikes really to eat cars, they need two things that drivers of cars take for granted: a place to drive and a place to park. We need good, safe and separate bike lanes and routes so that people feel comfortable. That's why Egbert Brasjen can ride his e-bike at age 96. With the right infrastructure, you can ride this forever.
$250 worth of Abus locks/ Lloyd Alter/CC BY 2.0
We also need safe, secure places to lock our bikes. I have been very nervous, leaving a $2500 bike on Toronto streets, where 3700 bikes were stolen last year and only one percent recovered. I paid more for the 2 Abus locks than I have paid for some bikes, and including the AXA lock that comes with the bike, I am following the lock-per-hour rule I learned from an Abus rep from Chicago: "If I go to a three-hour movie, I put three locks on the bike."
Riding in Toronto's always lovely and safe Harbord Street bike lane a few days ago, I pulled up beside a blue 1990 Mazda Miata, identical to the one I sold last fall. I started talking to the driver, a guy about my age, about how I sold mine and was now riding this e-bike; it was faster in the city, and I didn't have to put the top down to get sun and air, and I was using it much more than I ever used the car. We talked at every light for a number of blocks, about how I no longer felt safe in the car mixing in traffic with big SUVs, and actually feel safer in the bike lane on the Gazelle.
Virginia Block at Amego/ Lloyd Alter/CC BY 2.0
The Gazelle Medeo is not just a bike with a motor. It's a model for an entirely different mobility platform, a different way to get around cities, and perhaps more importantly, around suburbs that are too diffuse for a regular bike. It's a transportation revolution and it will eat everything.
Gazelle Medeo不仅仅是一辆带马达的自行车。这是一种完全不同的移动平台的模式,一种不同的城市出行方式,或许更重要的是,在普通自行车无法使用的分散郊区出行。这是一场交通革命,它会吞噬一切。