One of the hardest things during this pandemic — for kids and adult children — has been staying away from their parents and grandparents.
People 65 years and older are at higher risk for getting a severe case of COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And about 80% of deaths in the U.S. from COVID-19 have been in people older than 65.
So it's been especially important for older people to practice social distancing — even from family members — to reduce the risk of infection.
But the summer is here, communities are reopening and with many families living miles apart, a trip to see parents and grandparents is tempting. Here are some things to consider before you go.
Assess the risk
Remember, the risk of becoming severely ill with COIVID-19 increases with age, says Dr. Ravina Kullar, an epidemiologist and spokesperson for the Infectious Disease Society of America. So the older the parent or grandparent, the higher the risk is. And if your relative has an underlying health condition, like diabetes, lung disease, hypertension, or if they are immunosuppressed, "that puts them at even higher risk," Kullar says. So before the visit, assess the age and health of the person you are visiting — and consider whether the trip is worth the risk.
美国传染病学会发言人、流行病学家拉维娜•库拉尔博士说,要记住,随着年龄的增长,感染COIVID-19的严重风险会增加。因此,父母或祖父母年龄越大,风险就越高。如果你的亲戚有潜在的健康问题,比如糖尿病、肺病、高血压,或者他们有抑制(生物体的)免疫反应,“这会使他们面临更高的风险,” 库拉尔说。所以,在拜访之前,评估一下你要拜访的人的年龄和健康状况,并考虑一下这趟拜访是否值得冒险。
Plan ahead, by two weeks
If you decide to make the trip, the two weeks leading up to the visit are key, says Dr. William Miller, an epidemiologist at Ohio State University College of Public Health. You want to reduce your chance of infection as much as possible. While complete quarantine may not be practical, limit outings or social gatherings, and take maximum precautions when going out.
Practice social distancing, wear a mask, and work from home if possible, to reduce your chances of getting infected. Complete quarantine would mean staying entirely home except for necessary medical care.
If you can, make it a road trip
Traveling by car will be safer than traveling by plane or train, Miller says. The main risks in a road trip are the stops along the way, such as restaurants or public restrooms.
Kullar says. "If you have to fill up the gas tank, put gloves on and use hand sanitizer. Pack your own food so there are no additional stops at restaurants."
Think twice before you fly
"Planes are a major concern," Miller says, despite the high level of air filtration on most planes. In planes you are exposed to people several rows ahead and behind, for an extended period of time. It can also be hard to social distance as you navigate the airports.
If you do take a plane, bus or train, "choose routes that are less populous," says Dr. Emily Landon, a hospital epidemiologist and infectious diseases specialist at University of Chicago Medicine. "Make sure you are wearing a mask and using hand hygiene," she says.
Should you get tested?
Kullar suggests getting a PCR test before you travel. That's the diagnostic test to determine if you are infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. People who are asymptomatic or presymptomatic can spread the virus, without even knowing they are infected. If your test is positive you should cancel your trip and quarantine yourself for 14 days and get retested. Also, it is important to tell anyone that you have been around of your positive test result, Kullar says.
Limit activities when you get there
What you do during the visit also matters. Avoid crowds, and stick to outdoor activities as much as possible.
"Don't go out to theme parks and museums [or other crowded places], even if the grandparents don't go along," Miller says. That's because most transmissions of the virus are thought to happen in household settings. So if you get exposed outside the home you could bring that home and infect your relatives.