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    6 wild swimming spots in big cities to cool down your summer


    Enjoying the cool water after a long summer day is what everyone needs. The wild swimming spots are the ideal places to do this.


    From iconic ponds in London to the deep waters of Cape Town, these are the best wild swimming spots in the world.


    Hampstead Heath Pond, London, England


    The beautiful Hampstead Heath of London, England is home to three historic wild swimming spots: a Pond near Parliament Hill, Highgate Men Pond for men, and Kenwood Ladies Pond for women.


    The latter two ponds open year-round, attracting enthusiasts to swim in the cold water, but also warmly welcome newcomers who want to experience the thrill of falling into cold water for the first time. Each swimmer must pay 2 pounds (about 60,000 VND) for an experience.


    Boekenberg, Antwerp, Belgium


    Nestled in the Boekenberg park on the outskirts of Deurne, this beautiful pond is a swimming paradise. The water is filtered by an organic and clear reed system. Nearby is the clubhouse and the modern dressing area that adds to the charm of this city's wild swimming spot.


    You can swim here freely from May to September.


    Astoria, New York City, USA


    With an area of ​​over 5,000m2, Astoria pool in New York, USA feels more like a natural lake than a pool.


    Located in Astoria Park, under the shadow of the Robert F Kennedy Bridge, the pool was used for the US Olympic test competitions in 1936 and 1964. Buildings and art stands are a prime example. of New Deal architecture, bringing the perfect space for a picnic spot.


    Aare River, Bern, Switzerland

    阿雷河, 伯尔尼, 瑞士

    Aare River, Bern is famous as one of the cleanest and most beautiful rivers in Europe for those who want to find a wild swimming spot. Cold water even in the middle of summer. It is so popular that people flock here as soon as the temperature rises.


    St James's Pool, Cape Town, South Africa


    Less than an hour's drive from Cape Town, this charming covered pool is surrounded by colorful Victorian dressing-room shower rooms. Therefore, the wild swimming spot in this city is also an extremely perfect selfie place.


    There are natural rock pools with fascinating wildlife for children to explore. A large artificial tidal lake with a calm, relatively warm water surface. You are free to visit because it is open all day. But the best time to enjoy is a sunny day with full picnic.


    The Forty Foot, Dublin, Ireland


    The famous wild spot The Forty Foot is located south of Dublin Bay in Sandycove. People have been swimming here about 250 years ago, with writer James Joyce adding a legendary color to it by including it in the famous novel "Ulysses", which is full of prose, drama, poetry.


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