We've all done it: that candy bar at the grocery store checkout, that midnight Amazon purchase, that pair of aspirational wrist guards because this summer you're definitely going to use those Rollerblades.
Americans have a spending problem. Research in 2019 showed that the average American spends almost $18,000 a year on nonessentials. And nearly 1 in 5 says they're spending more now than they were before the pandemic.
"We impulse-shop because it feels good in the moment, right? It's like the Band-Aid," Tiffany Aliche says. "It's the cool glass of water on a really hot summer's day." She is a personal finance expert and educator.
It's OK to do a little comfort shopping, especially in these tough times — "but what I've learned is to impulse-shop within parameters," Aliche says. Don't let short-term wants get in the way of your long-term savings goals.
Here are a few ways to start curbing that stress-spending and start saving a little smarter — today.
Make a budget. Don't just ballpark it in your head — write it down.
"Get a clear visual picture of what your money is doing now. The rule is, if it's not written down, then it's not a budget," Aliche says.
Once you've factored in necessities like food, shelter, water — and savings — then factor in fun. "You're supposed to enjoy money, to use it as a tool to make your life better," says Aliche.
一旦你考虑到食物、住所、水和储蓄等必需品,那么就要考虑到娱乐。 “你应该享受金钱,把它作为一种工具,让你的生活变得更好,” 阿利切说。
Need it, love it, like it, want it.
Before you reach for those fun-budget funds, Aliche has a bit of advice. She says to ask yourself, " 'What are the things that really make me happy? What are the things that really bring me joy?' "
To keep those priorities straight, Aliche says she has a sticker on top of her computer that says, "need it, love it, like it, want it." And before hitting that purchase button, she wants to make sure that what she's buying is a love — that it will bring lasting joy.
"Likes are short-term joy. That means less than a year, I'll have forgotten about this thing," she says. "Wants are just instant gratification where not even a day later, I'm not going to be interested in this thing."
Figure out your "noodle budget."
What is the bare-minimum amount of money that you need to keep going? What are the things that you can drop if times are tough? Aliche calls this her "noodle budget" (noodle as in ramen noodles, which she eats when things get tight). "For some people, it's peanut butter and jelly; for some people, it's rice and beans," she explains.
When you're strapped for cash, you should be able to cancel your cable or Netflix subscription and switch to ramen noodles before tapping into your savings or (gasp) retirement savings. "Focus on your budget now and what you can do now, so you don't take from your future," she says.
Create and maintain a savings plan.
You should have between three and six months' worth of emergency savings. Set it up in an account that has a good interest rate. Aliche says it's also worth putting this cash in a bank that isn't associated with your checking account.
She recommends automatically withdrawing your savings and your bills into separate accounts each month.
Don't cheat your future self.
Being responsible with money can be a drag. Instead of impulse-buying a plane ticket to Paris on a credit card, it means saving that money slowly over time.
Finally, remember to give yourself a break.
It is, perhaps, an understatement to say that we live in tough times. Aliche says it's important to give yourself a break if you make a financial mistake.
"It's OK not to be perfect. So be easy on yourself — do the best that you can."