It's a good thing passion fruit is delicious because the visual of gelatinous goo when it's first cut in half is not incredibly appetizing. 百香果的美味是一件好事,因为当它第一次被切成两半的时候,那种凝胶状的粘稠的视觉效果并不是很诱人。
Passion fruit is messy, but that doesn't mean you need to make a mess. (Photo: yuda chen/Shutterstock)
It wouldn't be too far-fetched to think that giving it the name passion fruit was a way to make the fruit more tempting to eat, but that's not the case. The history of its name goes in an entirely different direction.
How Passion Fruit Got its Name
Does this flower remind you of a religious symbol?. (Photo: Doikanoy/Shutterstock)
Rather, it's named after the passion of the biblical Jesus. When Spanish missionaries to South America first discovered the flowers that turned into the fruit, they saw them as symbolic of the crucifixion. Looking at the photo above, you can see why. According to Specialty Produce, missionaries saw "the three stigmas as the three nails, the corona as the crown of thorns, the five stamens as the five wounds, the five petals and five sepals as the ten apostles and the purple petals as the purple robe."
How to Pick a Passion Fruit
Passion fruit comes in various colors, but they all ripen the same way. (Photo: diogoppr/Shutterstock)
Like other fruits such as watermelon, heaviness is important when choosing passion fruit. When the fruit is heavy, that means it has plenty of moisture inside. The skin of the fruit, whether it's the more common purple passion fruit or the yellow/green version, passion fruit will be wrinkly when it's ripe. If you get one with smooth skin, make sure it has a little give to it when you squeeze it. If it does, you can leave it on the counter for three to five days to ripen up.
How to Cut a Passion Fruit
Passion fruit is easy to cut open. (Photo: Africa Studio/Shutterstock)
Cutting a passion fruit is very easy. Simply cut it in half to reveal the fleshy insides. Once cut, the pulp and the edible seeds can be scooped out using a spoon. They can be eaten as is or used in a variety of recipes. The fruit is tart, so it's commonly combined with other ingredients.
Recipes for Passion Fruit
The flavors of passion fruit and mango work well together. (Photo: SherSor/Shutterstock)
Passion fruit is versatile. It can be made sweet or savory, used as an ingredient in a dessert or a main dish, and made into a juice that can be used in several ways.
About that Banana Passionfruit
Not all passion fruit is egg-shaped. (Photo: Al'Fred/Shutterstock)
There's another type of passion fruit, the banana passionfruit, (and it's frequently spelled as one word, not two). It's related to the egg-shaped passion fruit in that it has similar pulp and seeds inside, but it's often found as a wild-growing vine that can do serious damage to surrounding vegetation. It's edible and can be used like its passion fruit cousin.