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Love in Yan’an: Ma Haide and Sufei[1]
By Sidney Shapiro
George was riding his horse for one of his weekly medical visits[2] to the Art Academy[3] when a young fellow he knew hailed him excitedly.
[1] 马海德,原名乔治·哈特姆(George Hatem,1910—1988),生于美国纽约州,1933年在日内瓦获医学博士学位,不久来到上海。1936年6月经宋庆龄介绍来到陕北苏区,1937年1月担任革命军事委员会的卫生顾问,2月加入中国共产党,自己改名“马海德”。苏菲(1920—),即周苏菲,生于上海,原名周素珍,“苏菲”是其艺名,1939年8月离开上海辗转到达延安,在鲁迅艺术学院学习文学和戏剧,1942年毕业后分配到鲁迅艺术学院实验话剧团任演员。1940年1月马海德与苏菲在延安相识,3月1日登记结婚。这对革命伴侣的一生被传为佳话。
[2] 每周一次的巡诊。
[3] 1938年创建于延安的鲁迅艺术学院,简称“鲁艺”。
“Hey! Ma Haide! A new batch of girls has just arrived at the Academy. They say one of them, Jiang Qing’s kid sister, is very pretty. Introduce me to her, will you?”
Sufei had play the maid in Ostrovsky’s The Storm in Shanghai. Jiang Qing, then called Lan Ping[4], had been the leading lady. Inaccurate theatrical gossip held that they were sisters. Jiang Qing was later to become Mao’s third wife.
[4] 蓝苹,即江青(1915—1991),原名李云鹤,1934至1937年间以“蓝苹”为艺名做过电影演员,1937年8月进入延安,改名“江青”,曾在鲁迅艺术学院任教。1938年11月20日江青与毛泽东结婚。
“Fat chance[5].” George said under his breathe. “You don’t catch me passing up any pretty girls.”
[5] 机会渺茫。
He saw Sufei at the Academy, and was bowled over by her grace and beauty. She had bright expressive eyes and wore her shining black hair in a short bob. He had no chance to talk with her at any length until the following year at the Spring Festival, which in 1940 fell in January. All of the schools threw parties, but the Academy’s was by far the best. Its young people in the theatre and the arts were naturally talented performers, and its girls were famous for their good looks. Even the clothes they wore, although the same as those of everyone else, somehow, with a little decoration here and a slightly different cut there, had a touch of swagger, an air of smartness.
George played in an extract from a Peking opera San Da Zhu Jia Zhuang – “Three Attacks on the Zhu Family Village”. He was dressed in ornate classical costume, a fantastic traditional colored design adorned his face. George strode on in high platform shoes and bowed in every direction. Since he couldn’t sing Peking opera arias, he launched into one of the few Chinese songs he knew – a local ditty[6] called “Our village is full of lovely maid”[7]. The incongruity of this foreign friend in full opera make-up and regalia beating out a pop tune had the audience in stitches. Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, and other top leaders who had come to see the show, nearly collapsed with laughter.
[6] ditty 小曲;小调。
[7] 《桃花江是美人窝》是20 世纪30 年代风靡中国的一首男女对唱歌曲,由著名作曲家黎锦辉根据自己在湖南省桃江县桃花江畔的一段爱情经历而创作,融汇了中国民间音乐元素和西洋爵士音乐元素。
The party went on for hours. There was dancing to a small pick-up band of mixed Chinese and Western musical instruments. General Ye Jianying played a yang qin – a kind of Cantonese zither. Now back in ordinary clothes, his face washed clean. George spotted Sufei peeling out from behind one of the pillars supporting the roof of the large hall in which the festivities were being held. George asked her to dance, his heart beating fast. She said she didn’t know how.
“Never mind,” he retorted boldly, though he was quaking inwardly. “I’ll teach you.” Her loveliness was breathtaking.
George led her to the floor. He was a very good dancer, and she caught on quickly. Her body seemed to mould itself to his. They were holding each other much closer than Yan’an decorum usually allowed, but neither of them cared.
This is what Heaven must be like, if there is one, George thought. They danced all the rest of the dances together.
After midnight they walked along the banks of the Yan River, a favorite spot for the post-dinner stroller and romantic couples. George proclaimed his love. He told her about himself, his family. Sufei did the same. This was standard procedure for young people who were courting. He kissed her, long and deliciously. She broke away and ran back to her hostel in confused agitation.
One of the women in Sufei’s room was very pregnant. At two in the morning the birth pains started. The party had ended late. George had told Sufei that rather than ride back to his own quarters in the dark he would stay over with Emi Siao, a teacher in the Academy. None of the girls knew where exactly Emi lived, but they had to find a doctor. They were wandering around in front of the long row of teachers’ cave dwellings when luckily Emi heard their voices. He got up and went out to see what was the trouble.
They hauled George out of a deep sleep and rushed him to the patient. He put everyone to work, boiling water, preparing clean cloths... “Is the father here?” he demanded. Of course, he wasn’t. Most of the married couples were separated, the husbands and wives working and living in different units. George shooed everyone out, except Sufei and another girl who remained to assist him. He safely delivered the baby.
Although it was his first venture into a maternity procedure, George had done a clean and competent job. By now it was nearly dawn. Sufei helped him wash up. She told him later that seeing him perform that night had roused her admiration for him as a doctor, and as a man.
From then on, there was an “understanding” between them. Before two months had elapsed, they decided to get married. Every one of Sufei’s girl friends was opposed. He may not want to spend his whole life in China, they said. They pointed to the example of Braun, who had deserted Li Lilian[8]. What’s more, they contended, there is no way of checking whether Ma Haide doesn’t already have a wife in America.
[8] 李德(Otto Braun,1900—1974),共产国际派到中国的代表。李丽莲(1914—1965),上海演员,1937年底和江青一起来到延安。李德与李丽莲相恋结婚,1939年8月李德离开延安回莫斯科述职后一直到去世都未再回中国。
But the young couple were determined. At the end of February 1940, George went to the Organization Department of the Chinese Communist Party. The man in charge and he were friends.
“I want to get married,” George said.
“Who to?”
“Li Lilian.”
“Wrong. It’s Sufei.”
“I can’t place her. Who is she?”
George told him all about her. Party approval was granted. He took Sufei to the Border Area government office to formally register and obtain a marriage certificate. This was a procedure followed only by local residents. It was not necessary for people attached to the Revolutionary units. But George wanted everything proper legal. American style.
To Rewi[9] he dashed off a telegram: GETTING MARRIED. PLEASE SEND 200 DOLLARS. His old friend and mentor promptly complied. The money was used to order a banquet in a local restaurant for ten tables of ten guests each. Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong attended the wedding party. It was a lively noisy affair.
[9] 路易·艾黎(Rewi Alley,1897—1987),新西兰人,社会活动家、教育家,1927年来到上海,居住了11年。马海德1933至1936年居住上海期间,跟随艾黎去上海周边进行农村调查,了解中国。1939 至1940年,艾黎两次到过延安。
But none of Sufei’s girl friends came, and she was miserable. She wept when she and George were lying in bed together in his cave dwelling that night. What would life be like without friends? George was very understanding. He said she could still call the marriage off if she wished. He told her again about himself and his family in America, and swore he would never deceive or abandon her.
“If you love me, you ought to trust me. But you’re free.” He said. “It’s up to you.”
Sufei threw her arms around him. They fiercely embraced.
【编者按】著名翻译家沙博理著有英文传记Ma Haide: The Sage American Doctor George Hatem in China(《马海德传》,外文出版社,2004)。下面的英语选文取自该书,充满浪漫气息,人物刻画传神,场面感强,对话形象,文笔流畅,不失为沙博理根据真人真事创作的一篇优秀作品。标题为译者所加。谨以此英汉对照版纪念沙博理诞辰103周年。