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    Hail! Hail! O Classic Superhero


 Artist’s Edition


    By Jim Steranko

    吉姆·斯特兰科(Jim Steranko)著。

    184 pages. IDW and Marvel. $150.

    184页。IDW和漫威漫画公司(IDW and Marvel)。150美元。

    “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” on ABC is a diverting thriller, and Samuel L. Jackson epitomizes 21st-century cool as Nick Fury in the Marvel movies, but to experience the most raw and primal take on Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D., it’s necessary to go back to the late 1960s and Jim Steranko’s reinvention of these sleek characters. Which is exactly what this book does, reprinting S.H.I.E.L.D. stories from Strange Tales Nos. 151 to 162 in their full-size, black-and-white glory from the original art.

    ABC频道的《神盾局特工》(Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)是一部有趣的惊悚片,塞缪尔·L·杰克逊(Samuel L. Jackson)在漫威电影中饰演尼克·弗里,是这个角色在21世纪的超酷缩影,但是要想感受原汁原味的弗里和神盾局,还是要回到20世纪60年代末,看看吉姆·斯特兰科对这些精彩人物的重新阐释。这本书正好满足你的需要,它重印了《奇怪故事》(Strange Tales)第151至162集的神盾局故事,采用最初版本的尺寸和黑白色彩。

    Mr. Steranko transformed the grizzled Sgt. Nick Fury from World War II afterthought to postmodern spy, with stylish nods to Expressionism, Surrealism, Op Art and Pop Art. In these hyperkinetic, over-the-top comics, it’s psychedelia that wins the Cold War.


The Sunday Comics: 1933-1935


    By Hal Foster

    哈尔·福斯特(Hal Foster)著。

    104 pages. Dark Horse Comics. $125.

    104页。黑马漫画出版社(Dark Horse Comics)。125美元。

    In these luxuriant, oversize pages, Tarzan slashes at thrashing sharks, grapples with humongous crocodiles and makes fierce lions mewl. There’s enough animal humiliation here to prompt the World Wildlife Fund to place a bounty on him. As supple and powerful as a panther, Tarzan has been drawn by many fine artists, including Burne Hogarth, Russ Manning and Joe Kubert. But the very best was Hal Foster (1892-1982), who later created Prince Valiant.

    在这些豪华的超大页面上,人猿泰山猛击凶猛的鲨鱼,和庞大的鳄鱼较量,让凶猛的狮子低泣。为了让世界野生动物基金会给他奖赏,这本书对动物们的侮辱真是够了。人猿泰山像黑豹一样矫捷强大,很多优秀艺术家都描绘过他,包括伯恩·霍格思(Burne Hogarth)、鲁斯·曼宁(Russ Manning)和乔·库伯特(Joe Kubert)。但最好的是哈尔·福斯特(1892-1982),他后来又创作了《豪迈王子》(Prince Valiant)。

    This book, the second in a series, showcases Foster’s work in testosterone-suffused confections like “The Egyptian Saga” and “Tarzan and the Lost Vikings.” And when our hero in the leopard-skin loincloth isn’t shaming rogue gorillas, he even bests a few knavish humans.

    这本书是这个系列的第二本,以《埃及传说》(The Egyptian Saga)和《人猿泰山与迷失的北欧海盗》(Tarzan and the Lost Vikings)等充满睾丸素的有趣故事展现福斯特的作品。我们的英雄穿着豹皮腰布,没有令凶猛的大猩猩蒙羞,他甚至击败了一些狡诈的人类。


    《印加石》(The Incal)

    By Moebius and Alejandro Jodorowsky

    莫比厄斯和亚历杭德罗·尤杜洛斯基(Moebius and Alejandro Jodorowsky)著。

    313 pages. Humanoids. $44.95.


    This reissue of “The Incal” is a galactic blast of French savoir-faire. It collects the first cycle of “Incal” stories from the 1980s, in which the influential French artist Moebius and the Chilean-French writer and filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky introduced their dystopian Incal-verse well before dystopias were cool.


    The nominal hero in this broad satire of sex, politics and religion is John Difool, a shlubby PI who always manages to get in way, way over his head. Mr. Jodorowsky’s headlong futuristic romp entertains, but it is the art of Moebius (born Jean Giraud, 1938-2012) that shines. Moebius goes “Space Odyssey” cosmic and slapstick comic with equal ease — and each page is a lesson in design and craft.

    这部漫画是对性、政治和宗教的广泛讽刺,其中有名无实的英雄是蹩脚的私家侦探约翰·迪福(John Difool),他总是想插手,做远超自己能力的事。尤杜洛斯基横冲直撞的未来主义嬉闹场面很有意思,但是真正大放光彩的是莫比厄斯(原名让·吉劳德 [Jean Giraud],1938-2012)的艺术。不管是宏大的《太空漫游》(Space Odyssey)漫画还是低俗漫画,莫比厄斯都能轻松驾驭,每一页都是设计和手工艺的典范。

 The Court of Owls


    By Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo

    斯科特·斯奈德(Scott Snyder)和格雷格·凯普罗(Greg Capullo)著。

    264 pages. DC Comics. $39.99.


    Batman’s noir essence just begs for him to be draped in black and white. There have been four volumes of the “Batman: Black and White” series, Frank Miller’s classic “The Dark Knight Returns” will appear uncolored in May, and this book is the third “Unwrapped” entry, reprinting Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s reboot of Batman from Mr. Capullo’s stark pencils.

    蝙蝠侠的黑暗本质使得他只能穿黑白服装。《蝙蝠侠:黑白》(Batman: Black and White)系列共有四册,弗兰克·米勒(Frank Miller)的经典之作《黑暗骑士归来》(The Dark Knight Returns)的黑白版明年5月份将出版。这本书是《蝙蝠侠现身》系列的第三本,重新激活了凯普罗朴实铅笔画中的蝙蝠侠。

    His art in the raw is all texture, crosshatch and purposeful smudge, capturing the grit of Gotham City, reveling in the inky folds of Bats’s cape. And Mr. Capullo’s waltz of light and shadow is just right for Batman’s visceral intensity. Drawings like these make the kid in me want to grab a No. 2 pencil and start scrawling.


      上一篇:四部喜剧演员自传中的欢乐语录 下一篇:中国双胞胎,被领养后命运殊途


