Snowflake Symmetry
Q. Why are snowflakes usually perfectly symmetrical? How does one arm “know” how the other arms are growing?
A. “The growth of a snowflake is sensitive to its immediate environment, especially the temperature and humidity,” said Kenneth G. Libbrecht, chairman of the physics department at the California Institute of Technology, who maintains a website explaining snow crystals. “It might take a half-hour for the crystal to reach its final size, and during that time it could travel a mile or more, experiencing ever-changing conditions.
答:“雪花在形成过程中对周围环境非常敏感,特别是温度和湿度,”加州理工学院物理系主任肯尼思·G·利布雷希特(Kenneth G. Libbrecht)说。他开设了一个网站,专门解释雪晶。“雪晶大概需要半个小时才能最终形成,在那段时间里,它能飞行一英里多,经历不断变化的环境。”
“If you look at an individual arm, its shape reflects the exact history of its travels,” he said. “But the six arms all travel together, so they all experience the same history. Thus they appear to grow in synchrony, even though no arm ‘knows’ how the others are growing.”
Dr. Libbrecht compared the process to going outside on a cold day, wearing a heavy coat and seeing everyone else wearing one as well, without foreknowledge or consultation.
“The flip side of this story is that no two snowflakes follow exactly the same path in the turbulent atmosphere, and this is why no two snowflakes are exactly alike,” he said.
“Finally, snowflakes are in fact not usually perfectly symmetrical,” he said, “although snowflake photographers like to select the ones that are.” Large, beautifully symmetrical crystals are actually quite rare, he said, but “as with people, the most attractive snowflakes tend to get the most attention.”