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    Twins, Raised in Different Worlds


    Everything about the Norwegian film “Twin Sisters” seems too good to be true. The stars are a pair of adorable 10-year-olds as energetic as they are well-adjusted. The supporting players look like the four nicest, most supportive parents you could meet. The story hinges on a set of fateful coincidences that profoundly change the lives of everyone involved. “Twin Sisters” is a documentary, though, so there’s no need to suspend disbelief.

    挪威电影《双胞胎姐妹》(Twin Sisters)里的一切太美好了,简直不像是真的。主人公是两个可爱的十岁女孩,她们充满活力,适应能力很强。里面的配角是四位父母,他们也几乎是你见过的最和善、最支持孩子的父母。这个故事围绕一系列宿命般的巧合展开,这些巧合深深地改变了其中每个人的生活。不过,《双胞胎姐妹》是一部纪录片,所以没有必要觉得这是虚构的美好。

    Mona Friis Bertheussen’s film, showing on Monday night in the PBS series “Independent Lens,” is an Asian-adoption story. Movies in that genre are typically about grown-ups, often the filmmakers themselves, seeking out the biological families they’ve never known. “Twin Sisters” turns that narrative on its head.

    周一晚上,莫娜·弗里斯·贝瑟森(Mona Friis Bertheussen)的这部纪录片在PBS频道的《独立镜头》(Independent Lens)栏目播出,它讲述的是收养亚洲孤儿的故事。那种类型的影片通常是关于成年人的,通常是拍片者本人亲身寻找自己从不相识的亲生父母。《双胞胎姐妹》与此截然相反。

    Ms. Bertheussen — taking advantage of how Western fathers film and photograph every step of their trips to adopt Asian babies — economically sketches out the amazing background to her story. A Norwegian couple and an American couple arrive in the same Chinese city on the same day to collect their new daughters. There’s no reason for them ever to meet, but a delay in paperwork and a matching pair of red-gingham baby dresses — one carried from Norway, the other from California — bring them together. They notice that their babies look very much alike.


    The film then jumps ahead 10 years, to the current lives of Alexandra Hauglum in a tiny, snowbound Norwegian village and Mia Hansen in a leafy Sacramento suburb. Each has known all her life that she has a twin halfway around the world whom she hasn’t been able to grow up with. In the course of the film, they have a rare reunion, when the Hansens make the trip to tiny Fresvik.

    然后,影片向后跳跃十年,讲述两人现在的生活。亚历山德拉·豪格拉姆(Alexandra Hauglum)住在挪威的一个白雪皑皑的小村庄里,米娅·汉森(Mia Hansen)住在萨克拉门托的一个绿树成荫的郊区。她们一直以来都知道有个双胞胎姐妹住在地球的另一端,她们不能一起长大。在影片中,她们有了一次罕见的团聚——汉森一家人前往豪格拉姆住的小村庄弗里斯维克。

    Ms. Bertheussen lays out the huge differences in the girls’ lives: Mia is heavily scheduled, plays with life-size dolls and, because of her mother’s safety fears, is driven everywhere; Alexandra tends a pet mouse, tromps around the mountain paths alone and walks to school down a country road before sunrise. Then she shows us how remarkably similar they are, and how symbiotic, despite the impediments of language, culture, distance and time. “Twin Sisters” is short (53 minutes), modest, straightforward and — without being exploitive or overly sentimental — a complete emotional wipeout. It’s gently devastating.


      上一篇:古董动漫中的超级英雄们 下一篇:《埃博拉浩劫》,20年前的预言


