Would you pay $400 for a GOLD facial?It's the latest thing in London
There was a time when wearing diamonds and gold meant investing in expensive jewellery. But for today’s super-rich, it comes in the form of a faddish beauty treatment.
Britain’s wealthiest are spending up to £29,000 a year on facial masks and other treatments which have precious metals and gems as ingredients, a BBC2 documentary reveals.
However, experts have rubbished claims about the benefits of the potions, saying there is no evidence they improve the skin.
In the first episode of The Super-Rich And Us, broadcast last night, presenter Jacques Peretti visited a branch of the Oro Gold beauty clinic in London and was given a treatment where a mask containing real gold flakes was laid over his face. Oro Gold puts 24-carat flakes in all of its products.
在1月7日播出的首集《我们与超级富豪》(The Super-Rich And Us)中,主持人雅克·佩雷蒂(Jacques Peretti)来到美国国际美容品牌Oro Gold的伦敦分店进行一次面膜护理,其使用的面膜内含24克拉真金薄片。实际上,Oro Gold的所有产品都会置入同等量的金片。
A beauty therapist told the programme that clients can have up to 12 treatments a month. With a 60-minute appointment costing £256, or a bulk purchase of six coming in at £1,200, such a schedule could cost £28,800 a year.
A pack of 12 ‘Deep Tissue Rejuvenating Masks’, with ingredients including gold and sea algae, costs £1,398 from the company’s website. It claims it will ‘give your skin a boost of vitamins, minerals and long lost vital ingredients to help you look and feel radiant’.
一款名为“深层组织活肤面膜(Deep Tissue Rejuvenating Masks)”的产品在Oro Gold官网上每盒(内含十二张)售价1398英镑,这种含有黄金和海藻的产品据称能“为您的皮肤注入大量维生素、矿物质和长期缺失的关键元素,帮助您容光焕发。”
Other products include a ‘24K Cryogenic Diamond Mask’, selling for £1,000 a pot and with ingredients including diamond dust, which it claims will ‘add shine and gently moisturise while reducing the appearance of wrinkles’.
其他产品,如内含钻石粉的“24K低温钻石面膜”(24K Cryogenic Diamond Mask)每瓶售价1000英镑,声称可“增加皮肤光泽,温和地滋润肌肤,减少皱纹出现。”
But Dr Adam Friedmann, a consultant dermatologist at the Harley Street Dermatology Clinic, said: ‘It sounds like a good way of spending money for nothing. The reality is that gold and diamonds are completely unreactive, so the benefit of using gold and diamonds over other things is pretty much zero.
亚当·费里德曼(Adam Friedmann)博士是位于伦敦著名医学街道哈雷街的“哈雷街皮肤科诊所”(Harley Street Dermatology Clinic)的一名皮肤顾问,他说道:“这听起来像是烧钱的好办法。实际上黄金和钻石是化学性质稳定的惰性物质,所以黄金和钻石比其他物质更有成效的可能性几乎为零。
‘It just sounds like a clever bit of gimmickry with no conceivable medical benefit.’
Beauty therapist Lisa Harris said: ‘It’s impossible for gold to penetrate the skin, it’s the other ingredients which are good for the skin. Diamonds won’t penetrate either, again it’s the other ingredients.’
美容理疗师丽莎·哈里斯(Lisa Harris)表示:“黄金和钻石都不可能被皮肤吸收,对皮肤有疗效的是其他成分。”
Oro Gold said last night: ‘Gold and diamonds are being rediscovered today in modern skin care and their inclusion can be found in the world’s most luxurious brands.’
Oro Gold公司在当天的节目中表示:“黄金和钻石被现代护肤界重新挖掘出价值,世界一些最奢华的品牌就能看到它们的身影。”