Groups Document Boko Haram’s Swath of Destruction in Nigeria
DAKAR, Senegal — Thousands of buildings were burned, damaged or destroyed in northern Nigerian towns in recent days when Boko Haram militants stormed through, using scorched-earth tactics against civilians, according to a new analysis of satellite images by human rights groups.
塞内加尔达喀尔——几家人权机构对卫星影像进行的一次最新分析显示,最近几天,博科哈拉姆(Boko Haram,旧译博科圣地)的武装分子闯入尼日利亚北部的多座城镇,用焦土政策对付平民,导致数千栋建筑被焚烧、破坏或是彻底摧毁。
In a succession of attacks, fighters from Boko Haram, an Islamist insurgent group that has gripped northern Nigeria and battled the government for years, have swept through a cluster of villages along the shores of Lake Chad in a “systematic campaign of arson directed against the civilian population in the area,” according to Human Rights Watch.
根据人权观察组织(Human Rights Watch)的说法,通过一连串的袭击活动,博科哈拉姆的武装分子扫荡了乍得湖附近的一片村庄,实施了“针对该地区平民的系统性纵火行动”。伊斯兰主义反叛组织博科哈拉姆已经攫取了尼日利亚北部,并与政府缠斗多年。
About 57 percent of one town, Doro Gowon, the location of a now-destroyed military base, appears to have been leveled, probably amounting to several thousand residential and commercial structures, Human Rights Watch said.
Amnesty International, which has also analyzed the satellite images, said Thursday that about 3,100 buildings in the town had been damaged or destroyed, demonstrating a “deliberate attack on civilians whose homes, clinics and schools are now burnt out ruins.”
同样分析了这些卫星影像的国际特赦组织(Amnesty International)周四称,多罗戈翁约有3100栋建筑遭到破坏或摧毁,证明这是一次“针对平民的蓄意袭击,令这些平民的家园、医院和学校如今被烧成废墟”。
Large-scale massacres of civilians by Boko Haram shook northern Nigeria throughout 2014. About 300 people were killed in Gamboru Ngala in May, perhaps 500 died in a group of villages in Borno state in early June, an additional 120 died in Kano in November, and more than 150 died in Damaturu in December, along with numerous others.
In the first six months of 2014 alone, Boko Haram killed more than 2,000 civilians in northern and central Nigeria, Human Rights Watch estimated last year.
Some of these massacres have attracted little attention. But when militants raided the fishing village of Baga in early January, Amnesty International asserted early on that “as many as 2,000” were killed. That figure has been impossible to verify, however, because the area quickly fell under the control of Boko Haram, causing thousands to flee.
Witnesses agreed that many had been killed in Baga when Boko Haram came riding in, guns blazing and shooting indiscriminately at civilians, as has been their custom, at least since 2011. They said the killing began Jan. 3, after the militants overpowered Nigerian soldiers at a military outpost there. Then the fighters turned on the residents.
But estimates of the death toll are murky. “It’s not possible to get any credible figures out of there,” said Mausi Segun, Human Rights Watch’s Nigeria researcher. “It’s impossible to even guess.”
不过,死亡人数的估计仍然没有头绪。“不可能从那里得到任何可信的数据,”人权观察组织的尼日利亚研究员莫西·塞贡(Mausi Segun)表示。“连猜也没办法猜。”
Amnesty International appeared to be backing away from its initial 2,000 figure, saying Thursday that witnesses and local officials suggested that “Boko Haram militants shot hundreds of civilians.”
The area has suffered deadly attacks before — from both sides in the conflict.