Because that's precisely what Canadian makeup artist Andrea Reed has done. And as you can see from the pictures below, she doesn't just stop there. Tartan lips? No problem. Lips made to look like leaves? You got it. Honeycomb lips? All in a day's work for this amazingly skillful makeup artist.
Going by the name Girl Grey Beauty, Reed's ability to turn her lips into stunning works of art has earned her an Instagram following of more than 100,000 people. And it's easy to see why. How does she do it? Our lips are sealed, but you might learn a thing or two by checking out her video tutorials.
里德在Instagram上以Girl Grey Beauty(女孩灰色美)自称,她能将嘴唇变成绝佳艺术品,这一技能为她在Instagram上赢得了超过100,000名粉丝。原因是显而易见的。她是怎样做到的?我们并不清楚,但你可以看一下她的视频教程来学习一二。