Ladies and gentlemen, I'm delighted to introduce to you a very pretty girl, Miss Brown. She is a very good teacher from the USA. 对这番话,美国女教师一脸难堪的样子。
比较下面改变措辞的介绍:Ladies and gentlemen, I'm delighted to introduce to you a new teacher from the USA., Miss Ann Brown. She is a doctor of American Literature with experience of teaching English as a Foreign Language.
Chinese: You look pale. What's the matter?
American: I'm feeling sick. A cold, maybe.
Chinese: Go and see the doctor. Drink more water. Did you take any pills? Chinese medicine works wonderful. Would you like to try? Put on more clothes. Have a good rest.
American: You are not my mother, are you?
文化差异:美国人比较看中个人的独立性。受人照顾往往被视为弱者。给对方出主意或提建议时,不能使对方认为自己小看他的能力。美国人对上面第一句话的反应通常是"Take care of yourself. I hope you'll be better soon."不必教人怎么做。中国人则以出主意提建议表示关心,而且以兄弟姐妹或父母亲人的口吻,或以过来人的口气,这对美国人行不通。
(1)I'm sorry to hear that (you've got a bad cold).
(2)I hope you'll be all right very soon.
(3)Take extra care of yourself.
(4)That's too bad. What's the matter?
(5)How are you feeling now?
(1)I'd like to make an appointment with you. When will you be free/available?
(2)Let's get together some time next week. What date do you suggest?
(3)How about coming to my place for dinner this Saturday?
(4)I'd like to... What time would be convenient for you?
(5)Would... suit you?
(6)I wonder if we could arrange a meeting...
(7)Do you happen to be free on...?
(8)Have you got any plan for this weekend? How about...?
(9)I am having some friends around during the weekend. Would you like to join us?