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    Facebook CEO gets married at surprise wedding


    Priscilla Chan has long been known as the girlfriend of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, but on Saturday she updated her status to the billionaire's wife。


    Given their nine-year relationship which started when she was a freshman and he a sophomore at Harvard, she has known the man behind the massive social networking site well before he became one of the richest people in the world。


    The surprise announcement of the couple's wedding last weekend has prompted a closer inspection of the woman who is now effectively one of the first ladies of Silicon Valley。



    1. She's been with Zuck since college


    Although "The Social Network" made it seem as though Zuckerberg's ambition was driven in part by his failures with women, the truth is he and Chan have been dating since their college days at Harvard. They met at a party while waiting in line for the bathroom; Chan later told The New Yorker that she thought Zuckerberg was "this nerdy guy who was just a little bit out there."


    2. He offered her a job, she offered him candy


    When Zuckerberg left Harvard in 2005 to focus on Facebook full time, he began recruiting classmates for positions at the facebook (as it was then known). According to The Harvard Crimson, Zuckerberg was sitting outside after a campus recruiting session when Chan walked by。

    2005年小扎离开哈佛,开始全身心投入于自己的公司。当时他曾广泛在校友中招聘同事(当时的Facebook已经小有名气)。据哈佛校报称, 有次招聘会结束后,小扎坐在那儿,看到陈正好经过,于是他叫住了她:

    "Hey Priscilla, do you want a job at the facebook?" Zuckerberg asked a passing friend。


    "I'd love a job at facebook," Priscilla Chan responded, offering him a Twizzler。

    “听上去不错啊,” 陈回答道,并塞给了他一颗糖吃。

    3. Their relationship has rules


    Author and tech journalist Sarah Lacy has written that Chan has imposed strict rules on her relationship with Zuckerberg -- not because she doesn't trust him, but because he's such a workaholic. One of the top rules: "One date per week, a minimum of a hundred minutes of alone time, not in his apartment, and definitely not at Facebook."

    科技记者和作家Sarah Lacy写到,普里西拉·陈在和小扎谈恋爱的过程中设置了很多严格的条款:并不是她不信任小扎,而是因为他太工作狂了!条款中有一条是这样的:“每周约会一次,每次必须有至少100分钟的独处时间;约会不能在男方家里进行,更不能在facebook上进行!”

    4. She helped spark Zuckerberg's interest in China


    Chan, who is Chinese-American, brought Zuckerberg on a trip to China in 2010. (Their holiday included some business meetings, which prompted speculation about Facebook's interests in the Chinese market。) To prepare for the visit, Zuckerberg studied the Chinese language every morning。


    5. She's on Facebook


    That's a no-brainer, right? According to the publicly available portion of Chan's Facebook page, she's into cooking, photography, learning Spanish, working with kids and visiting warm locales。


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