
First up on Toto's toilet survey was aquestion about toilet choice. That is, if you were at apublic restroom with Western-style (aka one you sit on) or traditional Japanese squat toilets,which stall would you go into? Unsurprisingly, over 80% answered that they preferred to sitrather than squat.The next question asked those surveyed to think back to when they firstcame to Japan and to remember the biggest problems they had when answering the call ofnature in a public restroom. Mostpeople said that they had no idea how to use a Japanesesquat toilet when theyfirst saw one. Even foreigners who came from countries with squattoilets werea little confused exactly how to use the Japanese ones. One of the Americanspolledsaid that he actually thought you were supposed to sit right on the toilet bowl.
And besides the squatters, many people recalled their utter confusion the first time they satdown on a modernJapanese "washlet" toilet (see photo below). The many buttons on the seatornearby control panel overwhelmed many and utterly confused people used tosimpler toiletsthat don't need to be plugged in. And until you can read Japanese, you have to rely on the littledrawings that still won't help you outmuch. The futuristic toilets of Japan may look cool, butmany people were intimidated at first.

When asked about if they use the bidet function on the modern Japanese toilets, the numberone answer was that it dida good job of cleaning up and some said they even preferred thebidet to toilet paper. And for others, they liked to use the bidet because they were alreadyusedto using water via the bum gun to clean themselves in their home country.
Perhaps the answer that should make Japan the proudest was when 93.6% of those surveyedsaid that Japanese publics are cleaner than those back home. And at the end of the day, evenwith the squatting and the confusing computer-like toilets, you can't argue with a nice,cleanpublic restroom.