The deal allowed the US chipmaker to raise itsrevenue guidance for fiscal year 2015 to at least$26.3bn, up from $26bn, partly because it will make it easier to collect royalties from someChinese manufacturers that had been underreporting their use of Qualcomm patents. Under theterms Qualcomm will cut the amount it charges Chinese manufacturers to license some of itspatented technologies.

Analysts said the resolution with China’s National Development and Reform Commission wasnot as harsh as it could have been. Qualcomm depends heavily on revenue from licensing itspatents and counts China as a key market given the number of fast-growing Chinese electronicsmanufacturers.
The Qualcomm patents at the heart of the case, which address how phones connect to 3G and4G networks, will now cost less to license in China than in other markets, though the discountwill cover phones to be sold in China and not made for export.
The case highlights the increasing problems that foreign companies, particular tech groups,have been having in China. Officials have been encouraging state companies and governmentagencies to buy locally made goods, often citing concerns about cyber security and thepossibility of foreign intelligence agencies gathering data from US and European-made devices.
Qualcomm, whose chips are found in most of the world’s smartphones, said the fine would cut58 cents from its earnings per share for fiscal year 2015, reducing a forecast $4.04 to $4.34to $3.56 to $3.76.