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    The Chinese government could face paper losses ofmore than $10bn on its state-owned corn reservesas it shakes up its agricultural support policy.


    Beijing last month announced that it would end itsprice support policy in an attempt to reduce itsmounting corn stockpile, starting with the upcomingharvest this year.


    “The government has now abandoned price support policies for all commodities except wheatand rice,” confirmed the Beijing bureau of the US Department Agriculture in a report releasedon Thursday.


    The Chinese government’s announcement led to a 10 per cent fall in the new crop corn pricetraded on the Dalian Commodity Exchange, said the USDA report.

    美国农业部的报告称,中国政府的声明导致在大连商品交易所(Dalian Commodity exchange)交易的新玉米价格下跌了10%。

    “A Rmb600 per tonne write down on corn stocks would result in a paper loss of over $10bn,” itsaid, adding that the total cost was likely to be higher as the figure did not take into accountstorage costs.


    “Some corn stocks may have lost their entire value as they are too deteriorated to sell,” it said.


    Beijing’s agricultural support policy has led to mounting surpluses, while cheap imports havealso led to domestic corn being left unconsumed. Huge state inventories as well as fallingproductivity and environmental deterioration were forcing China to overhaul its policy, saidthe USDA.


    The report comes after international agricultural trade bosses this week said that China couldturn to exports to reduce its corn stocks.


    The head of Cargill’s grain trading said earlier this week at the FT Commodities Global Summitthat there was a “fifty-fifty” chance of China exporting some of its inventories.

    嘉吉(Cargill)的谷物贸易主管本周早些时候在英国《金融时报》全球大宗商品峰会(FT Commodities GlobalSummit)上表示,中国有“五成”的可能性出口一部分库存。

    Gert-Jan van den Akker, president of Cargill’s agricultural supply chain, said: “[The Chinese]don’t need to export that through corn exports itself” — damaged corn could also be turnedinto industrial starch or ethanol before being sold, he added.

    嘉吉农业供应链总裁格特-简•范登奥凯尔(Gert-Jan van den Akker)表示:“(中国人)不需要通过玉米本身出口而出口。”他补充称,变质玉米也可以先制成工业淀粉或者乙醇,然后再销售。

    “China has a huge starch industry,” he said.


    China would be breaching WTO rules by selling its subsidised corn overseas.


    However, it could wait until this year’s harvest, which would not be supported by the state, toexport its corn, said another agricultural trader.


    The country is seen to hold about 100m tonnes of corn in its grain reserves. The last time thecountry exported significant amounts internationally was in the 2006-07 crop year, when it soldmore than 5m tonnes.


    The USDA Beijing bureau forecast overall corn acreage to fall 3 per cent, although it addedthat the corn planting season had already begun.


    “According to contacts in north-east China, most farmers have already made planting decisionsand cannot easily change plans based on the cancellation of the temporary reserveprogramme,” it added.


      上一篇:挪威石油基金大举撤出过于依赖煤炭的公司 下一篇:中国取消七大行业出口补贴


