Michael Froman, the US Trade Representative,announced the deal on Thursday, calling it “a win for Americans employed in seven diversesectors that run the gamut from agriculture to textiles”.
美国贸易代表迈克尔•弗罗曼(Michael Froman)周四宣布这项协议,称其“对于在从农业到纺织品的7个不同行业受雇的美国人是一个胜利”。
The US challenge, launched in February 2015, took issue with incentives for Chinese exportersin seven sectors: textiles, apparel and footwear; advanced materials and metals; lightindustry; specialty chemicals; medical products; hardware and building materials; andagriculture.
The EU, Japan and Brazil later joined the complaint over what China calls “demonstrationbases”, or industrial clusters that receive government subsidies in return for meeting exporttargets. US officials spotlighted 179 such clusters after uncovering what they labelled illegalsubsidies during an earlier WTO case over auto parts. To ferret out the details, US investigatorspored over more than 5,000 pages of Mandarin-translated government documents from Beijing.
Though China is attempting to pivot from its reliance upon exports to a greater focus ondomestic consumption, exporters enjoy an array of benefits that the US said were prohibitedunder WTO rules. They included cash grants and free or discounted services for designatedenterprises.
Trade with China has featured in the 2016 presidential campaign with Republican frontrunnerDonald Trump regularly lambasting Beijing for taking unfair advantage of Americancompanies. Last year, the US ran up a $366bn trade deficit. So far this year, the deficit isrunning more than 10 per cent ahead of last year’s pace.
Gary Hufbauer, a trade expert at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, said theaccord would do little to reshape trade flows. “It’s not going to make any great difference,” hesaid, adding that it might shave as little as $5bn from the yawning deficit.
华盛顿彼得森国际经济研究所(Peterson Institute for International Economics)贸易专家加里•赫夫鲍尔(Gary Hufbauer)表示,该协议将无助于重塑贸易流动。“它不会带来任何大的改变,”他表示。他补充说,它可能只会使不断攀升的美国贸易赤字降低50亿美元。
The concessions come as the US and Europe threaten to withhold “market economy status”from China, which would allow Chinese goods to be judged against prevailing prices in Chinawhen dumping cases are brought. Without the designation, Chinese companies accused ofdumping may be measured against prices in third countries that are almost always higher. Theterms of China’s accession to the WTO say that China should be granted the status in 15 years,which falls in December of this year.
The agreement to withdraw the subsidies also comes as Beijing acknowledges the degree ofexcess industrial capacity that has been constructed over the past 15 years, in sectorsranging from metals or coal to consumer goods. Chinese planners are now worried that millsand factories built with subsidies and bank loans are destroying margins and making it moredifficult to tackle a pile of debt that is weighing on economic performance.