亚洲基础设施投资银行(Asian InfrastructureInvestment Bank,简称亚投行)达成了一份协议,与世界银行(WB)联合开展项目。这家中国领导下的机构试图借此反驳认为该行是其他跨国金融机构竞争对手的观点,这些机构成立的时间比亚投行更长。
Jin Liqun, president of the AIIB, told an audience in Washington that he expected the firstprojects to be approved in June, saying that it was sensible given the risk and scale ofinfrastructure projects to partner with the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, as well aspursuing solo ventures.
亚投行行长金立群在华盛顿向听众表示,他预计首批项目将在今年6月获批,并表示考虑到基建项目的风险和规模,除了开展独资项目,与世行和亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank,简称亚开行)合作也是合理的。
“Infrastructure projects are very large and it is not a very good idea for one bank to spend $2bnor $3bn on one project,” he said. A “huge amount of chemistry” had already developed betweenthe AIIB, World Bank and ADB, he added.
China launched the AIIB last year with 57 countries joining as founding members as Beijingattempts to bolster its overseas influence. The move prompted misgivings within the US overthe potential for the institution to act as competition to decades old US-dominatedinstitutions.
It also triggered concerns about the social and environmental standards that would be adheredto by the AIIB. The US declined to join the bank, even as allies including the UK signed up.
The US has subsequently attempted to put the spat behind it, and Mr Jin on Wednesdayrejected the notion that countries that had not jumped on board had made a mistake, sayingthere was “ample room for co-operation”.
The AIIB was benefiting from American professionals working within its walls, and UScompanies could bid to work on projects, he added.
Earlier in the day Mr Jin met with Jim Yong Kim, World Bank president, to sign a co-financingframework agreement. The AIIB expects to approve about $1.2bn in financing this year,with World Bank joint projects anticipated to account for a “sizeable share”, the parties said.
当天早些时候,金立群曾与世行行长金墉(Jim Yong Kim)会晤,签署一份合作融资框架协议。双方表示,今年亚投行预计会批准约12亿美元融资,其中世行合作项目预计会占据“相当大的份额”。
They are in discussions over close to 12 co-financed projects in sectors including transport,water and energy in Asia. Mr Kim said it was an “important first step toward working with a newpartner to address the world’s huge infrastructure needs”.
Under the new agreement, the World Bank is set to prepare and supervise the co-financedprojects “in accordance with its policies and procedures in areas like procurement,environment and social safeguards”.
Mr Jin said the bank’s mandate could go beyond physical infrastructure and into health andeducation. Given estimates that demand for infrastructure could range towards $10tn over thecoming decade, his institution did not represent competition to other government lenders,he said. “There is vast room for co-operation,” he added.