During an appearance on comedian Jimmy Kimmell’s late-night show in Los Angeles on Monday night, Hillary Clinton tried to laugh off the hubbub over her latest email woes.
周一晚上,在洛杉矶出席喜剧明星吉米•金梅尔(Jimmy Kimmell)的深夜秀时,希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)试图对围绕她最新的电子邮件麻烦的杂音一笑置之。
“Jimmy, my emails are so boring,” she deadpanned, “and I am embarrassed about that. They are so boring. So we’ve already released, I don’t know, 30,000- plus. So what is a few more?”
But the news that the state department will have to release nearly 15,000 further Clinton emails, most probably on the eve of the November election, is a serious matter for the Democratic candidate. It comes as she faces scrutiny not just of her emails but of her relationship with the charitable Clinton Foundation during her tenure as secretary of state.
不过,美国国务院将不得不再公布近1.5万份希拉里的电邮(最有可能是在11月份的大选前夕公布)的消息,对这位民主党候选人是一个严重的问题。这个消息传出之际,不仅是她的电子邮件正面临审视,她在国务卿任上与慈善组织克林顿基金会(Clinton Foundation)之间的关系也正面临审视。
In emails released by the conservative group Judicial Watch on Monday, Clinton Foundation donors attempted to secure access to Mrs Clinton with Huma Abedin, her deputy chief of staff, serving as the go-between.
保守派组织“司法观察”(Judicial Watch)周一新公布的电子邮件显示,克林顿基金会的捐助者曾试图通过希拉里的副幕僚长胡玛•阿贝丁(Huma Abedin)与希拉里接触。阿贝丁在这一过程中扮演的是中间人的角色。
Last week Mrs Clinton tried to pre-empt further criticism of the foundation by announcing that it would accept donations only from US citizens, permanent residents and US-based independent foundations.
Yet even people sympathetic to Mrs Clinton said the new emails raised questions about what sort of access donors had enjoyed while she was secretary of state, and what sort of benefits even US donors to the foundation might receive were Mrs Clinton elected president.
One Democratic supporter of Mrs Clinton, who did not want to be named, said the emails shone light on the relationship between politicians and their financial backers who want access to the official they helped elect. “Often there is one person designated to serve as the buffer with the outside forces,” the operative said. “And by all accounts that was [Ms Abedin’s] job.” He continued: “I hate to parrot the lines of Republicans, but if it was OK for her to accept money from foreign donors as secretary of state, why wouldn’t it be OK for her to do so as president of the United States?”
Other political observers raised the question of why the Clinton Foundation had now decided to stop accepting donations from foreign individuals and entities, while continuing to accept large donations from US individuals and organisations that might be looking for the same type of political influence.
In more than a dozen emails between Ms Abedin and Clinton Foundation staff members and donors released by Judicial Watch, there is no direct evidence that Mrs Clinton agreed to make concessions or give preferential treatment to donors. In all her emails, Ms Abedin repeatedly emphasised that all requests for meetings with Clinton Foundation donors should go through the official state department channels. But at the very least there is evidence that Clinton Foundation donors and executives exerted pressure to orchestrate meetings with Mrs Clinton.
Joyce Aboussie, a Democratic donor who gave at least $100,000 to the foundation, wrote repeatedly to Ms Abedin asking her to set up a meeting with coal group Peabody Energy, which had hired Ms Aboussie as a consultant and former Democratic congressman Dick Gephardt as a lobbyist.
曾向克林顿基金会捐赠至少10万美元的民主党人乔伊丝•阿布西(Joyce Aboussie)曾多次给阿贝丁发电子邮件,要求她为煤炭集团博地能源(Peabody Energy)安排会晤。后者曾聘阿布西为顾问,并曾将民主党前众议员迪克•格普哈特(Dick Gephardt)聘为游说者。
“Huma, I need your help now to intervene please. We need this meeting with Secretary Clinton, who has been there now for nearly six months. This is, by the way, my first request. I really appreciate your help on this. It should go without saying that the Peabody folks came to Dick [Gephardt] and I because of our relationship with the Clintons,” Ms Aboussie wrote on June 8 2009.
After Ms Aboussie wrote a follow-up email one week later, Ms Abedin responded: “We are working on it and I hope we can make something work . . . she hasn’t taken any meetings at this level from members of the administration so we have to work through the beauracracy [sic] here.”
Meanwhile call logs, obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act request, show that Cheryl Mills, Mrs Clinton’s chief of staff at the state department, received at least 148 messages from the foundation’s chief operating officer between 2010 and 2012. The review of the call logs was first published by Fox News.
与此同时,“司法观察”通过按照《信息自由法》(Freedom of Information Act)提交的请求获得的通话记录显示,2010年到2012年期间,希拉里担任国务卿时的幕僚长谢里尔•米尔斯(Cheryl Mills)收到了克林顿基金会首席运营官发来的至少148条信息。对这些通话记录的审查是福克斯新闻(Fox News)最先报道的。
Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, has pounced on the latest emails to claim the foundation’s donors received pay-to-play benefits from the state department, and called for the foundation to be disbanded.
共和党总统提名人唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)抓住最新这批电子邮件大做文章,声称克林顿基金会的捐赠者通过权钱交易从美国国务院得到了好处,并呼吁解散该基金会。