Normally, economists do not measure the antics of spies. But these are not entirely normal times; or not as far as the American business community and US Department of Justice is concerned.
In recent months, the DoJ has pursued cases where American officials think that spies for China have been stealing commercial secrets from American companies. This year, for example, the FBI apprehended Allen Ho, an American national born in Taiwan, and accused him of stealing nuclear technology for the state-owned China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN has stirred up controversy because it is one of the investors in the planned UK nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point).
最近几个月,美国司法部一直在追查中国间谍案,美国官员们认为,为中国工作的间谍在窃取美国公司的商业机密。例如,今年美国联邦调查局(FBI)拘押了在台湾出生的美国公民何则雄(Allen Ho),指控他为中国国有的中广核集团(China General Nuclear Power Group)窃取核技术(中广核引发争议,因为它是英国拟议中的欣克利角(Hinkley Point)核电站的投资者之一)。
Separately, the DoJ and FBI have accused Chinese-born nationals of stealing know-how from advanced underwater vehicle technology to military-grade carbon fibre. They have even chased spies who tried to steal the technique for using titanium dioxide to make consumer goods appear ultra-white; this technology, owned by DuPont, is used for items ranging from the filling in Oreo biscuits to tennis court lines.
US security officials say this is just the tip of an espionage iceberg — one that has forced the DoJ to switch its attention from traditional sleuthing to a keener focus on industrial spying.
As John Carlin, assistant attorney-general for national security, observes : “We still do the traditional spy cases. But a lot of the cases now are not traditional espionage, insofar as they’re not necessarily a trained member of the other country’s spy service. Instead, they’re getting the information by cyber-enabled means or stealing it by bribing an insider.”
负责国家安全事务的美国助理总检察官约翰•卡林(John Carlin)认为:“我们仍在侦查传统的间谍案件。但现在很多案件并非传统间谍案,因为涉案人员不一定是其他国家间谍组织受过训练的成员。他们通过网络手段获得信息或者通过收买内部人士窃取信息。”
What has hitherto been missing from the DoJ policy shift, however, is a sense of economics. Although the FBI has estimated that industrial espionage costs American companies $19bn a year, nobody has examined the other side of the balance sheet: the impact on Chinese companies or anyone else.
Business leaders and politicians should look at fascinating work just published by economists Albrecht Glitz and Erik Meyersson. They examined the impact of one of the best-documented and systematically organised pieces of industrial espionage ever seen: the campaign by the East German Stasi to steal secrets from West German companies between 1969 and 1989.
企业高管和政治人士应看看经济学家亚伯雷希•格列茨(Albrecht Glitz)和埃里克•迈尔森(Erik Meyersson)刚刚发表的一篇引人入胜的论文。他们考察了迄今记录最完整、系统化有组织的工业间谍活动之一:1969年至1989年东德情报和秘密警察机构史塔西(Stasi)从西德公司窃取商业机密。
The researchers crunched 151,854 pieces of information in Stasi files that informants took from West German businesses. All were sorted into 16 categories, of which office appliances, computing and electronics was the largest. The data were compared with statistics about East German productivity then adjusted to remove impact from indigenous innovation (or ideas which were not stolen).
Their conclusions are that East German companies enjoyed big productivity gains from spying. “For the East German economy, the immediate returns to industrial espionage were substantial.”
This is chilling for American companies. It also offers easy ammunition for China-bashing US politicians such as Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee. But there is an important twist. After the Berlin Wall came down, East German industry collapsed. Economists have blamed this on problems such as an uncompetitive exchange rate. Mr Glitz and Mr Meyersson by contrast suggest that, because the Stasi was addicted to industrial espionage, East German companies did not pay enough attention to original research and development.
这将令美国企业不寒而栗。它也为敲打中国的美国政治人士提供现成的弹药,例如共和党总统提名人唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)。但这里有一个重要的情节转折。在柏林墙倒下后,东德工业很快瓦解。经济学家们一直将其归咎于不具竞争力的汇率等问题。相比之下,格列茨和迈尔森认为,由于史塔西沉迷于工业间谍活动,东德公司没有对原创研发投入足够多的关注。
They conclude that spying “may have proved productive [for East Germany] in catching up with its capitalist neighbours under a communist regime” because it was done on such an industrial scale. Yet in the long run this espionage actually hurt the economy.
Could this happen in the case of the US and China? The academic research is limited and the parallels are not exact. China has sophisticated intellectual capital of its own and is a vastly more successful economy than East Germany was.
Nevertheless, the next time Donald Trump, or anyone else, accuses China of stealing jobs and ideas, it is worth remembering this thought-provoking moral. Yes, industrial espionage provides for powerful political rhetoric. And, yes, it is likely to create drama at the DoJ in coming months. It has also hurt some US companies, as well as groups in Europe, Japan and South Korea.
But, in the long run, a country’s best economic weapon is its ability to keep producing new ideas, over and over again. American politicians should feel both comforted and challenged.