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    The Philippines is rearming itself and strengthening defence ties with its east Asian neighbours amid a security upheaval triggered by superpower rivalries in a region crucial to world trade.


    Delfin Lorenzana, Philippine secretary of national defence, said Manila wanted to reduce its military dependence on the US but would not become a Chinese client state despite President Rodrigo Duterte’s courting of Beijing.

    菲律宾国防部长德芬•洛伦扎纳(Delfin Lorenzana)表示,菲律宾希望降低对美国的军事依赖,但不会成为中国的附庸,尽管菲律宾总统罗德里戈•杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)向中国示好。

    “We are buying ships from Indonesia, aeroplanes from Korea, ships from Korea. Japan is providing us some ships,” said Mr Lorenzana, who has in his office a large model of a Korean-made FA-50 fighter, an aircraft already being delivered to the Philippines.


    “We will maintain our relationship with the United States and maybe develop some more defence relationships with the Asean [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] neighbours,” he said in an interview with the Financial Times.


    The Philippines is at the heart of a scramble in the Pacific to cope with China’s territorial ambitions and new uncertainties created by Donald Trump’s election as US president.

    太平洋地区正忙于应对中国的领土野心以及唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)当选美国总统后所产生的不确定性,菲律宾正处于这一漩涡的中心。

    Mr Lorenzana said Philippine officials from Mr Duterte down wanted to “expand our horizons” in an evolving campaign to improve the country’s “very weak” defence capabilities. He said he was hoping congress would approve a second phase of military modernisation spending to the tune of about $2.3bn over the next five years.


    Manila is shopping widely for equipment to build up its navy, air force and coastguard — including from Beijing.


    The Philippines is looking to deepen defence co-operation with other large Southeast Asian countries that have overlapping claims with China, notably Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia.


    Manila’s problems in sourcing spare parts for US military equipment after it forced Washington to withdraw from Philippine bases in the early 1990s had “left a mark in our psyche that it’s not good to rely on one country for your defence”, Mr Lorenzana said.


    Even so, he said: “I don’t think we will cut off ties with the United States. The people relations between the two countries are still huge. We have 100,000 Americans living here and there are about 3m Filipinos living in the States.”


    Mr Lorenzana, a former army major general, was stationed at the Philippine embassy in Washington for more than a decade and has three children living in the US.


    The defence secretary and other senior Philippine ministers have had to interpret a dramatic shift in foreign policy since Mr Duterte took office in June. A president who once pledged to ride a jet ski to plant his country’s flag on territory contested with China has since distanced himself from a long-awaited international tribunal ruling in July that delivered victory to Manila over Beijing.


    The Philippine leader used a trip to China in October to dismiss the judgment as “just a piece of paper” and announce Manila’s “separation” from Washington. Since then China seems to have allowed Philippine fishermen to return to Scarborough Shoal, a rocky outcrop that has been a subject of bitter dispute since 2012. But Mr Lorenzana suggested the dispute was far from over, noting the Philippines still felt it had the stronger claim. He styled China a friend rather than an ally, adding that neighbouring countries had warned Manila to be careful in dealings with Beijing.

    杜特尔特在今年10月访华时,把这项裁决称为“只是一张纸”,并宣布菲律宾与美国“分离”。此后,中国似乎已允许菲律宾渔民回到斯卡伯勒浅滩(Scarborough Shoal,中国称黄岩岛——译者注),这片露出水面的岩层2012年以来一直是激烈争端的焦点。但洛伦扎纳表示,这场争端远未结束,他指出,菲律宾仍认为自己的声索依据更为充分。他把中国列为朋友,而非盟友,他补充称,邻国一直警告菲律宾在与中国打交道时要谨慎。

    “We will stand up for our rights but not now, especially as we have a very weak defence capability,” he said. “We do not even have a big enough ship to maybe confront the Chinese coastguard face to face.”


    Mr Lorenzana stressed that the US-Philippine relationship would endure. He said the US had “neglected” Southeast Asian security because it was preoccupied with problems such as the Middle East and Ukraine, allowing China to start “grabbing islands”.


    But he said the Philippines had no plans to scrap its 1951 security treaty with Washington, stop US access to bases for equipment storage or expel US troops in the southern Philippine islands where radical Islamist groups are active. Joint military exercises would remain, with some reformatting to focus more on areas such as disaster relief and humanitarian assistance.


    Mr Lorenzana noted that Mr Duterte had damped his anti-US rhetoric since Mr Trump’s election. The Philippine government says Mr Trump has invited Mr Duterte to the White House next year, although the US president-elect’s team has not confirmed this.


    “I don’t know what the relationship will be between my president and president-elect Trump once he gets inaugurated,” Mr Lorenzana said. “But since [Trump] won, I think my president has not attacked the United States that much, not any more.”


    Additional reporting by Minnie

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