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    Beijing has cooled on a series of high-profile projects aimed at fostering closer ties with the UK as concerns mount that the “golden age” between the two countries lauded by the previous British government has waned.


    Chinese officials said there were now no active plans to sell further renminbi-denominated sovereign bonds after last summer’s landmark Rmb3bn ($430m) auction by the Chinese finance ministry, which raised hopes about a series of follow-up deals as part of the internationalisation of China’s currency.


    “There is no timetable for a second government bond issuance in London,” said one Chinese official. “In any case, the next one that China issues overseas will probably go to another centre, with Hong Kong under consideration. It is only fair that China diversifies its issuance locations for government bonds.”


    In addition, Chinese financiers said that a scheme to link the London and Shanghai stock exchanges had lost momentum, damping prospects of another Sino-British project advocated by George Osborne, the former UK chancellor, who made increasing commercial ties with Beijing a centrepiece of his six-year tenure.

    此外,中国金融家表示,一个连接伦敦和上海证券交易所的项目已失去动力,使英国前财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(George Osborne)倡导的另一个中英项目的前景变得暗淡。在其6年任期中,奥斯本把增进对华商贸关系作为一个核心事项。

    Chinese observers blame the changing mood in Beijing to several factors, including uncertainties following Britain’s vote to leave the EU and China’s own domestic economic concerns.


    But the stance of Prime Minister Theresa May’s new government, which has taken a more stand-off approach to China than predecessor David Cameron, has weighed heavily on Chinese thinking.

    但英国首相特里萨•梅(Theresa May)领导的新政府的立场,对中国的想法产生了很大的影响。英国新政府对中国的态度比前任首相戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)冷淡。

    “In some areas of our engagement, the Chinese side is taking a more wait-and-see attitude following the Brexit vote,” said a second Chinese official who requested anonymity. “We do not feel the same level of enthusiasm from this government as from the Cameron-Osborne team.”


    The Chinese singled out Mrs May’s abrupt decision in July to review the French-led £18bn Hinkley Point nuclear power plant, indicating she had national security concerns about the project. 中国特别指出了梅在去年7月突然决定重审法国公司主导的180亿英镑的欣克利角(Hinkley Point)核电项目。当时梅暗示,她对该项目存在国家安全方面的担忧。

    CGN, a Chinese state energy group, has a 33 per cent stake in Hinkley, which it took with the explicit aim of winning the right to install its own technology in a subsequent nuclear power station planned for Bradwell in Essex.


    While Mrs May ultimately decided to go ahead with Hinkley, she also announced planned new restrictions on the foreign ownership of critical national infrastructure assets that Downing Street has yet to clarify. These could potentially imperil the Bradwell project.


    “Hinkley was good, but we are concerned about what comes after Hinkley with the other nuclear projects,” said one of the Chinese officials. “There is no clarity on that.”


    The Cameron government was heavily criticised for being too eager to appease Beijing in order to win trade. But Mark Boleat, head of policy at the City of London Corporation, said that Mrs May’s indecision over Hinkley had courted a breach in relations by wrongfooting Beijing so publicly.

    卡梅伦政府因为太渴望取悦中国以赢得贸易机会而遭到严厉批评。但伦敦金融城管理当局(City of London Corporation)政策主席包墨凯(Mark Boleat)表示,梅在欣克利角项目上的优柔寡断如此公开地让北京方面措手不及,在英中双边关系中造成裂痕。

    “The Chinese might decide they are dealing with someone serious and treat them accordingly,” Mr Boleat said. “But alternatively they could decide [their partners] are not predictable and draw different conclusions.”


    Others share Beijing’s puzzlement about the change of mood under Mrs May, particularly in light of the desire to seek new trading partners following the vote for Brexit.


    “The Chinese are frustrated and I am not surprised,” said a former British government official. “There’s no one in the government who gets out of bed and thinks China. It’s a very old fashioned, almost Victorian view of the world.”


    The “golden era” was conceived by Mr Osborne as a grand bargain in which the UK would offer Chinese investors and companies access to its infrastructure markets in return for privileged treatment, including the City receiving a big share of the expanding international market for renminbi finance.


    The Chinese sovereign bond programme was designed to signal Beijing’s official stamp of approval for London as its key non-Asian financial centre partner. Meanwhile, the so-called stock connect programme would have allowed UK-based institutional investors direct access to trade in some of China’s largest and most liquid stocks.


    London Stock Exchange said that stock connect remained on track but there was no timetable for implementation.


    “This is a long-term project, which will help domestic and international investors access markets and is a key part of the strategic partnership between our two exchanges,” said Ramesh Chhabra, head of media relations.

    “这是一个长期项目,它将帮助国内外投资者获得市场准入,是我们两个交易所之间的战略伙伴关系的一个核心部分,”伦敦证券交易所媒体关系主管拉梅什•切布拉(Ramesh Chhabra)说。

    Lord Mandelson, former Labour business secretary, said: “The relationship with China is important but it won’t be sustained of its own accord. To many in Beijing we matter less because of Brexit so we have to work all the harder to combat this perception.”

    前英国商务大臣、工党的曼德尔森勋爵(Lord Mandelson)说:“对华关系很重要,但它将不会自动维持下去。在北京的许多人看来,由于英国脱欧,我们的重要性降低了,所以我们必须尽更大努力扭转这一看法。”

    The UK Treasury said that Beijing continued to rank highly in its priorities and that chancellor Philip Hammond had visited China more than any other country since taking office.

    英国财政部表示,北京方面在其重要性排序中仍位置靠前,财政大臣菲利普•哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)自上任以来访问中国的次数多于访问任何其他国家。

      上一篇:双语:欧洲寒流肆虐 20多人死于低温 下一篇:伊朗前总统拉夫桑贾尼逝世


