伊朗伊斯兰共和国领导人之一阿克巴尔•哈什米•拉夫桑贾尼(Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani)逝世,享年82岁。在许多伊朗人眼中,这位精明的政治人物对伊朗来说既是一个福音、也是一个诅咒。
At home, he was seen as Iran’s saviour at critical times, as when he pushed for a nuclear deal with major powers in 2015 to help prevent a war, yet ruthless at others, such as when he failed to prevent the mass execution of dissidents in the 1980s.
Rafsanjani’s death came as a shock to Iranians and is expected by many analysts to have big implications for an Islamic establishment whose first generation is aging and dying. The loss of such a heavyweight may further intensify the power struggle between reformers who argue that pro-democracy changes are essential for the regime’s survival and hardliners who resist opening up the country.
“This is like a major quake to the political establishment,” said one reform-minded politician. “His death will shake the regime’s balance at a sensitive time.”
Rafsanjani was a balancing figure who believed Iran’s political establishment would be at risk if it fell into the extremes offered by hardliners and reformists alike.
Reformers had enjoyed his support in recent years, helping to tilt the balance of power towards more moderate forces who managed to win the presidential poll in 2013 — with the victory of Hassan Rouhani, a centrist — and parliamentary elections last year.
最近几年,改革派得到了他的支持,力量的天平因此倾向较温和势力一边,这股势力在2013年赢了伊朗总统选举(中间派人士哈桑•鲁哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)当选为总统),在去年赢了议会选举。
He also kept his traditional connections with the clergy in the holy city of Qom and with conservative forces within the political establishment, which made it difficult for hardliners to form a strong front against moderate forces.
But the most important ramification of his death comes at a time Iran’s politicians are quietly thinking of the eventual succession to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader and ultimate decision maker, who is 77. Although older, many Iranians were assuming that Rafsanjani — who had enjoyed good health — would be alive to help prevent the top leadership falling into the hands of hardliners. Rafsanjani, as a pillar of the revolution in 1979, had tense relations with Mr Khamenei, a key figure in founding the Islamic establishment, over Iran’s political and economic direction.
不过,拉夫桑贾尼逝世造成的最重大影响,关乎伊朗最高领导人和最终决策者、77岁的阿亚图拉阿里•哈梅内伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)的接班人问题。伊朗政治人士眼下正暗暗思考最终由谁来接哈梅内伊的班。尽管拉夫桑贾尼的年龄比哈梅内伊大,可许多伊朗人认为,身体一直很棒的拉夫桑贾尼会活到哈梅内伊离世之后,帮助避免让伊朗的最高领导权落入强硬派之手。拉夫桑贾尼是1979年革命的柱石之一,哈梅内伊则是创立伊斯兰建制派的关键人物之一,两人在伊朗的政治经济方向问题上关系紧张。
Rafsanjani advocated pragmatism at home, pushing for an open market economy, and promoted a foreign policy in which the US would no longer be seen as an arch-enemy. Mr Khamenei, however, still rejects any moves towards a normalisation of ties with the US and believes Iran does not need to follow western-style economic development.