The US technology groups announced they were part of Crosscheck, an industry coalition which includes Buzzfeed News and others, that is working to fight fake news online by helping the public gauge the truthfulness of online media.
Last month, the European Commission fired a warning at the groups, saying they would face action from Brussels if they did not take actions to prevent the viral spread of false news, including one claiming Germany’s oldest church was set on fire by a mob of 1,000 refugees.
上月,欧盟委员会(European Commission)向这两家集团发出警告,他们如果不采取行动阻止虚假新闻——包括一则声称德国最古老的教堂被1000名暴徒焚毁的消息——的病毒式传播,将面临来自布鲁塞尔的行动。
“I am worried, as all people are worried, about fake news, especially after the elections in the United States,” Andrus Ansip, the EU’s digital chief told the Financial Times. “I really believe in self-regulatory measures, but if some kind of clarifications are needed then we will be ready for that.”
“就像所有人一样,我很担心假新闻,尤其是在此次美国大选之后,”欧盟数字信息主管安德鲁斯•安西普(Andrus Ansip)向英国《金融时报》表示,“我的确相信自律措施,但是如果需要某些澄清的话,我们将做好准备。”
The 17 organisations that make up Crosscheck would “find and verify content circulating publicly online, whether it is photographs, videos, memes, comment threads and news sites, with the French presidential election as its primary focus”, the group said.
Facebook will also test its own fact-checking initiative in France, where it has partnered with local fact-checking organisations such as AFP, BFMTV, L'Express, France Médias Monde, France Télévisions, Libération, Le Monde and 20 Minutes.
Facebook还将在法国测试该公司自己推出的事实核查工具,该公司已经与法国的事实核查机构开展合作,如法新社(AFP)、BFMTV、L'Express、France Médias Monde、法国电视台(France Télévisions)、《解放报》(Libération)、《世界报》(Le Monde)和《20分钟报》(20 Minutes)。
Its tools have already been introduced in the US and Germany, where Facebook has partnered with third parties such as Politifact, Snopes and Berlin-based Correctiv.
Facebook’s fact-checker will ask users to report dubious news article they see by flagging it on the platform, using a dropdown menu. The third-party fact-checkers will then analyse the publications indicated by the community, and decide whether it is legitimate or hoax news.
“When a publication is described as misinformation by two fact-checking organizations, it will be identified as being contested [and] a warning will be displayed,” Facebook said in a statement. In a sign of the growing political pressure on social media platforms, the UK House of Commons culture, media and sport committee also announced last month that it was to hold a parliamentary inquiry into fake news. Others, including Germany, are concerned that national elections could be influenced by the spread of fake news on social platforms.
“In Germany, it is not just ordinary lies, but deliberate propaganda spreading online,” said David Schraven, founder of Correctiv, the organization Facebook has partnered with in Germany. “We see a wide range of right-wing extremist news, magazines, spreading completely made up stories and quotes on refugees, for example.”
“在德国,不仅有一般谎言,还有蓄意在网上散播的煽动言论,”Facebook在德国的合作机构Correctiv的创始人大卫•施拉芬(David Schraven)说,“例如,我们可以看到各种各样右翼极端主义新闻、杂志,散布关于难民的完全虚构的故事和引述。”