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    The “CEO monk” who turned the kung-fu Shaolin temple into a sprawling commercial empire has been cleared by local officials of allegations that he funnelled money from religious businesses to fund a lavish lifestyle.


    Yellow-robed Abbot Shi Yongxin disappeared for several months in 2015 after he was accused of embezzlement and fathering several children out of wedlock. The allegations created a storm in China, where a religious revival in recent decades has been accompanied by the commercialisation of Buddhist sites.


    Mr Shi had been a high-profile promoter of the 1,500-year-old Buddhist institution on Song mountain, whose monks once created elaborate fighting systems and worked as mercenaries. He created a travelling troupe of performing monks that performs for paying audiences around the world, and travelled to Australia to present a $3.8m cheque for land for a kung-fu theme park, complete with a hotel and golf course.


    As he travelled the world, he rubbed shoulders with luminaries including Apple’s chief executive Tim Cook, the late South African leader Nelson Mandela, Queen Elizabeth II and Henry Kissinger, while securing a place in China’s rubber-stamp legislature the National People’s Congress, a position generally reserved for business elites. A plan to list Shaolin on the stock market was mooted in 2009.

    在访问世界各地时,他遇见了不少名人,包括苹果(Apple)首席执行官蒂姆•库克(Tim Cook)、已故南非领导人纳尔逊•曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)、英国女王伊丽莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)和亨利•基辛格(Henry Kissinger)。他还是中国的橡皮图章式立法机构全国人民代表大会(NPC)的代表;这一般是留给商界精英的待遇。2009年曾有让少林寺上市发行股票的设想。

    But his rise was met with suspicion about an apparently indulgent lifestyle after he was gifted a Volkswagen SUV and spotted in an expensive cloak threaded with gold. He went to ground after an anonymous tipster claiming to be a temple monk posted allegations online that the official Buddhist Association said “affected the image and reputation of Chinese Buddhism”.

    但是,在被赠予一辆大众(Volkswagen) SUV车、并被发现身着镶金线袈裟之后,这种明显放纵的奢华生活使他的崛起引发了怀疑。在遭到一名自称为少林寺和尚的匿名爆料者的网上举报之后,释永信开始低调了。官方的中国佛教协会(Buddhist Association of China)表示,“此事关乎少林寺乃至中国佛教的形象和声誉”。

    A government investigation team in the central province of Henan where the facility is located combed through the temple’s accounts and determined that Shi Yongxin’s stakes in companies were being held on behalf of the institution, the Henan Daily reported this week. A fleet of 15 automobiles were registered to the temple rather than Mr Shi, according to one of the investigators.


    Several million renminbi donated by one of Mr Shi’s disciples between 2010 and 2012 were used to develop the temple and to support the studies of apprentices, the report said. “In the survey, we did not find the use of shareholdings to obtain dividends or other personal gain, and found no transfers of shares, forged accounts or personal invasion of Shaolin Temple assets,” an investigator said.


    The investigation follows an earlier probe that dismissed Mr Shi’s alleged fathering of two children, but he did not emerge completely unscathed. It found that he was one of several monks who more than a decade ago had profited from selling incense, and that he had illegally held two household registrations.


    The report added that one of the companies connected to the temple had taken on Rmb4m of debt to fund expanded facilities for visitors, who often expect free food when visiting Buddhist sites. Mr Shi could not be reached for comment.


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