为将汉考克勘探公司(Hancock Prospecting)打造成一家采矿业巨擘,吉娜•莱因哈特(Gina Rinehart)战胜了比自己强大的对手,克服了官僚机构设置的种种障碍,甚至还顶住了来自家人的阻力。今天,这位澳大利亚女首富面对的敌人是区区小昆虫,因为这些家伙有让价值10亿澳元、向中国出口活牛的计划泡汤的危险。
The culicoides midge transmits bluetongue — a virus that affects livestock and is endemic in northern Australia, a vast area of rolling pasture larger than France, Spain and Italy combined. Mrs Rinehart owns several cattle stations in the region and wants to export up to 300,000 live cattle a year to meet surging meat demand in China.
“Many people are aware of the changing demographics in China,” Mrs Rinehart told the Financial Times. “A rapidly expanding middle class have increasing disposable incomes as China’s economic growth continues. These are people wanting more prime cuts and fresh beef.”
“许多人都注意到了中国人口结构的不断变化,” 莱因哈特对《金融时报》记者说,“随着中国经济的持续增长,中产阶级群体在快速扩大,其可支配收入不断增加。他们对优质新鲜牛肉的需求越来越大。”
The strategy plays to Canberra’s ambition to capitalise on China’s “dining boom” and transform its agricultural industry to become a food bowl for Asia. But first it must persuade Chinese regulators to loosen quarantine rules at a time when Beijing is prioritising food safety after a series of health scandals.
Australia is one of the world’s largest exporters of live cattle, shipping about A$1.5bn of livestock a year to countries including Indonesia, Vietnam and Israel. But exporters want to kick-start a China trade to diversify their markets in a volatile industry still licking its wounds from a ban on exports to Indonesia in 2011 over animal welfare concerns.
A bilateral trade deal signed in 2014 and a subsequent agreement on a health protocol created a framework for live exports. But onerous quarantine restrictions imposed by China on cattle from bluetongue regions continue to make the trade uneconomic from northern Australia, which hosts 60 per cent of the country’s herd.
“China is a massive, massive market. [But] in the China market there is a focus on bluetongue,” said Stuart Kemp, chief executive of the Northern Territory Livestock Exporters Association.
“中国是一个非常非常庞大的市场。[但是]中国市场对蓝舌病的关注度非常高,”北领地畜牧出口商协会(Northern Territory Livestock Exporters Association)首席执行官斯图尔特•肯普(Stuart Kemp)说。
Mr Kemp says that Australia has not experienced the most severe cases of the disease, which can affect livestock’s economic performance by preventing them from gaining weight and can be fatal in sheep. He understood the Chinese authorities’ initial caution but is hopeful Beijing will open the trade to northern Australia — a move that could prompt an investment bonanza in a struggling regional economy.
Some companies have made a few one-off live cattle shipments to China from southern Australia, outside the bluetongue zone. But the greater shipment distances have so far failed to spur exporters to create a viable industry, with just 1,200 animals exported to China in the past year.
Mrs Rinehart, who made her fortune feeding China’s insatiable demand for iron ore, has teamed up with four Chinese companies — Sino-Australia Modern Industry Park, New Hope Group, Zhejiang Seaport Group and Harvest Fund — in an effort to change the cattle trade’s economics by enabling shipments from northern Australia. The strategy depends on Chinese officials relaxing the 60-day pre-export quarantine restrictions for cattle from bluetongue areas. 在中国对铁矿石
需求旺盛的那些年,莱因哈特赚了个盆满钵满。现在,为了促成澳大利亚北部向中国出口活牛、从而改变养牛业的经济状况,她与中澳现代产业园(Sino-Australia Modern Industry Park)、新希望集团(New Hope Group)、浙江海港集团(Zhejiang Seaport Group)以及嘉实基金(Harvest Fund)这4家中国公司建立了合作关系。这一策略的实施还有取决于中国政府放宽如下限制:对从蓝舌病流行区出口的活牛,需隔离检疫60天。
“The key to the development of the live cattle trade is gaining long-term secure access to a major new market . . . a market of 200m people within a radius of 200km living in the Yangtze Delta region,” said Garry Korte, chief executive of Hancock. “We are still working through several regulatory matters.”
“发展活牛贸易的关键是获得进入一个大型新市场的长期、牢靠的准入权……在200公里的半径内居住着2亿居民的长江三角洲地区就是这样的市场。我们仍在解决几项监管问题,” 汉考克首席执行官加里•科特(Garry Korte)说。
In an effort to overcome Chinese regulators’ concerns, Hancock has formed a joint venture, Auzou Beef, with its Chinese partners to build a cattle receiving and processing facility on Jintang island near Shanghai. Jintang forms the centrepiece of a proposed Sino-Australian industrial park pitched as a gateway for agricultural and other exports into China. “As a beef processing hub, the island of Jintang is very unique because it can meet the highest biosecurity and animal welfare standards,” said Alex Zhang, director of Auzou Beef.
为了消除中国监管机构的顾虑,汉考克已经与中国合作伙伴组建了一家名为Auzou Beef的合资公司,计划在浙江省舟山市金塘岛兴建一个活牛接收和加工中心。金塘岛是中澳现代产业园计划的重头戏,该产业园的目标是成为农产品和其他产品出口至中国的门户。Auzou Beef的总监Alex Zhang说:“金塘岛作为牛肉加工中心的独特之处在于,它不仅能够达到最高的生物安全标准,而且也能够达到最高的动物福利标准。”
Mr Zhang says the China-Australia relationship needs to evolve from simple trade into more integrated industry co-operation.
In Coomalie, an hour south of Darwin, Mr Kemp provides a tour of a new quarantine station with cutting-edge traceability technology that helps monitor cattle throughout their journey from farms in Northern Australia to retailers in Vietnam and Indonesia.
“This station has technology similar to the facial recognition systems used in airports,” he said. “We would want to build facilities specifically for the Chinese market if the trade takes off.”
Similar quarantine facilities, along with feedlots and processing facilities, would be established on Jintang island in a bid to satisfy Chinese regulators that the bluetongue virus poses no danger.
“The receiving depot will be on an island, not mainland China, providing an effective quarantine for any bluetongue,” said Mr Korte. “We were encouraged to proceed with a deal because we know we have the backing of the Australia and Chinese governments based on their principles detailed within the China free-trade agreement.”
“为了对蓝舌病进行有效检疫,我们会将接收仓库建在岛上,而不是中国陆地上,” 科特说, “我们对推进交易非常有信心,因为我们知道,我们会得到澳中两国政府根据中国自由贸易协定中确定的详细原则所给予的支持。”
China’s quarantine agency did not respond to a request for comment; Hancock and its Chinese partners are hopeful a decision will be made by the end of the year.