Last week was a case in point. A rapid rally in the renminbi pushed the currency to 21-month highs before the People’s Bank of China relaxed two controls that had acted to boost the currency. The moves could be seen as a stepping back, if it were not for two things. The tweaks were targeted at limiting a rally, not letting the renminbi find its own level. And the gains were ed by the onshore market, which in itself is a sign of the PBoC’s control because it has crushed the offshore market — the wilder of the two renminbi markets — during the past two years.
If China is ever to change its helicopter habits, the offshore market is the key. Unlike onshore traders, tethered to moving the renminbi by a maximum of 2 per cent each day from a central point (and in reality never using half that range), their offshore brethren can in theory set their own level. But this has not been happening. Renminbi deposits in Hong Kong have virtually halved and a weaker currency is only one reason. The renminbi “dim sum” bond market has also shrunk dramatically, while China too has played its part by restricting renminbi flows into Hong Kong. With fewer products and a far smaller liquidity pool, many international investors have little interest in the market.
Internationalisation has no single definition. Standard Chartered, for example, is now factoring foreign investors’ onshore access into its renminbi globalisation index, which in July gained by the most in almost two years. The renminbi has also edged back into fifth place among international payment currencies. But these are small developments in light of China’s overall control. For the renminbi to internationalise, investors worldwide would have to be comfortable in their ability to trade it at will, and Chinese officials would need to leave the market alone. Either, right now, is as likely as money falling from helicopters.
国际化没有单一的定义。例如,渣打银行(Standard Chartered)目前将在岸市场的外国投资者准入程度计入其人民币全球化指数,7月份该指数出现近两年来最大涨幅。人民币在国际支付货币中的排名也回升至第五位。但从中国的整体控制看,这些都是小的发展。要让人民币国际化,就必须让世界各地的投资者对自己自由买卖的能力感到放心,同时中国官员们将需要放手让市场自行运转。目前来看,这两者的几率都像直升机撒钱一样渺茫。