The street protests that have swept across much of Iran in recent days have gathered momentum in a way that is virtually unprecedented in the nearly four decades since the revolution that deposed the shah. The ensuing crackdown will probably work. But Iran’s leadership should heed the warning signs. Iranians are tiring of a regime that squanders resources on foreign adventures, instead of devoting them to development at home.
Popular frustration has been fuelled at least partly by unmet expectations. The re-elected centrist president Hassan Rouhani’s tentative rapprochement with the west held out the promise of an opening. Underpinned by the 2015 agreement to freeze some nuclear activities in return for the lifting of sanctions, the deal raised hopes among Iranians of re-engagement with the world and re-entry into global markets. But it has both whetted Iranian appetite for more change and failed to deliver in a practical sense.
民众的不满至少在一定程度上是因为期望未得到满足而引发的。再次当选的中间派总统哈桑•鲁哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)与西方达成暂时和解,带来了开放的希望。2015年达成的冻结部分核活动以换取解除制裁的协议,带给伊朗人重新接触世界、重新进入全球市场的希望。但这既刺激了伊朗人对更多改变的渴望,又未能在实际层面上带来改变。
Inflation has fallen, the economy is growing after years of recession and Iran’s crude oil is being sold overseas again. But the flow of investment and jobs has been stymied by the imposition by Washington of aggressive new non-nuclear sanctions, and uncertainty over US commitment to the nuclear deal. Banks and investors have also been scared off by the extent to which state entities such as the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are enmeshed in the economy.
The protests are partly representative of the power struggle that is going on inside the regime. On one side there are those who believe that the survival of the Islamic Republic depends on maintaining an iron fist, and who fear economic change will lead ultimately to regime change. On the other side are those who argue that opening up and reforming the system is key to preserving it longer term.
The hardliners appear rashly to have had a hand in stirring up this week’s trouble, taking advantage of discontent at rising prices, and stagnant living standards, in a bid to discredit President Rouhani. The reforms he promises are threatening to the theocrats, and their revolutionary guard enforcers, whose power, privileges and sprawl of business interests depend on the corruption of a closed system.
These actors are playing with fire. It is easy to start a protest. It is not always easy to control the outcome, especially when dealing with a clued-up, social media savvy young population exasperated by the status quo.
Mr Rouhani is caught in the middle, undermined at once by hawks in his own regime and a hawkish administration in Washington. The US president, Donald Trump, who has made no secret of his enmity for Iran, has tweeted his support for the protesters. Some Israeli politicians have also expressed support. That was unwise. Meddling by outsiders provides the hardliners with the perfect alibi for a crackdown, which can only undermine Mr Rouhani further.
鲁哈尼受到自己政权中的鹰派和华盛顿鹰派政府的左右夹击。美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)毫不掩饰对伊朗的敌意,发推文支持伊朗抗议者。一些以色列政治家也表达了支持。这么做并不明智。外界的干预为强硬派提供了镇压抗议的最佳借口,这只会进一步削弱鲁哈尼。
Within the current system he still represents the best hope of change. But the strength of this outpouring of rage should provide a signal that his government must be more responsive to the legitimate grievances of the population. Iranians are demanding results.
The EU should not be swayed by US belligerence. Squeezing the regime further, as many in Washington would like to do, is not the answer. It would be wiser to remain engaged and encourage incremental change.