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    The Pentagon’s first new national defence strategy in four years will adopt a more aggressive military stance against China and Russia as its top priority, according to people familiar with the document.


    The focus restores Washington’s rivalry with other leading powers to the forefront of US defence planning, in line with last month’s White House national security strategy that named Russia and China as America’s chief adversaries.


    A defence official who has read the classified document, a small part of which is due to be released in unclassified form on Friday by defence secretary Jim Mattis, told the Financial Times the US is concerned that America’s chief adversaries are eroding its traditional military advantage.

    一名读过这份机密文件的国防部官员对英国《金融时报》表示,美国担心主要对手正在侵蚀自身传统的军事优势。美国国防部长吉姆•马蒂斯(Jim Mattis)将于周五公布这份文件的一小部分非机密内容。

    “As you look at what China and Russia have developed, it is purposefully meant to counter some of our strengths,” the official said. “What the Chinese have done on hypersonics is specifically meant to limit our aircraft carriers.”


    China has developed a fast-flying ballistic missile that in theory could overwhelm US missile defence systems carried on board its sophisticated aircraft carriers.


    President Donald Trump has called for one of the “greatest military build-ups in American history” to ensure “nobody is going to mess with us”.

    美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)呼吁进行“美国历史上最伟大的军事建设”之一,以确保“没有人会干扰我们”。

    Since the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks on the US, successive administrations have been preoccupied with the threat from Islamist extremism and embroiled in relatively low-tech wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Obama administration focused on overcoming Isis as well as a more diffuse range of threats — including China and Russia — in order to “protect the homeland” and “project power”.


    But officials in the Trump administration argue the US now needs to focus its efforts on larger conventional conflict and modernise its forces in the face of rapid technological advances and an increasingly aggressive posture from China and Russia. Insiders say the new Pentagon focus will bolster calls for increased spending and a White House-backed build-up of military hardware.


    “This document definitely moves beyond [the Obama administration strategy] to very explicitly recognise that we are in an era of great power competition and the two countries that most challenge the US are Russia and China,” said another person familiar with the development of the document.


    “It tries to put US defences on a more competitive basis given the investments that China and Russia have made,” the second person said, adding the strategy seeks to make the US “more competitive in those areas where China and Russia have invested and sought to exploit asymmetries that are favourable to them.”


    Experts warn that despite America’s superior military inventory — it has eleven large aircraft carriers to China’s two — the Pentagon is increasingly vulnerable to niche capabilities that its adversaries have developed specifically to target the US.


    “We could lose the next war we fight,” said David Ochmanek, a former Pentagon official now at the RAND Corporation think-tank and who testified to Congress last year about rapid military advances from Beijing and Moscow.

    前五角大楼官员、现在供职于智库兰德公司(RAND Corporation)的戴维•奥切曼尼克(David Ochmanek)称:“我们可能输掉下一场战争。”他去年曾就北京和莫斯科在军事上的快速进步在美国国会作证。

    “China and Russia have made great strides fielding [technology] that our forces have never encountered in the post-Cold war era,” he told the FT, citing development of thousands of highly accurate and long-range missile systems that can reach US airbases and foreign fighter jets that could threaten US air superiority.


    “With cyber and electronic warfare they can threaten our space-based systems and disrupt our command and control which is the brain of complex modern military operations,” said Mr Ochmanek. “We have basically taken a holiday from keeping pace with electronic threats.”


    US officials are also mindful of minimising casualties in the event of any large conventional war and maintaining what military planners term “overmatch” in a bid to deter adversaries.


    Mr Trump’s proposed budget calls for an increased defence department base budget of $603bn, just 3 per cent more than in 2016 and down from $770bn in 2010 at the peak of the war in Afghanistan.


    Congress has approved an even higher defence budget of $700bn for 2018 but it remains subject to a $549bn spending cap that has yet to be removed as part of overall budget negotiations.


    Some critics say a military build-up against other big powers could lead to an arms race that only makes war between nuclear-armed powers more likely.


    Joe Cirincione, president of Ploughshares Fund, a global security foundation that campaigns against weapons build-up, says it is “almost impossible” for China and Russia to close the military gap on the US.

    反对扩大军备的全球安全基金会犁头基金会(Ploughshares Fund)的主席乔•奇林乔内(Joe Cirincione)表示,中国和俄罗斯要在军事上缩小与美国的差距“几乎是不可能的”。

    “We spend more on our military than the next ten countries combined, including China and Russia: we have the largest, most capable military force in the world,” said Mr Cirincione, adding that while China is “maybe” about to build its third aircraft carrier it cannot match the fleet of the US, which has 11 large carriers and 9 smaller ones.


    “The Russians are working on some interesting new weapons but they don’t come close to the sophistication or quantity of our weapons,” he said.


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