津巴布韦总统埃默森•姆南加古瓦(Emmerson Mnangagwa)发出信号表明,他希望与过去划清界线,并与西方重新接触,他邀请联合国(UN)、欧盟(EU)和英联邦(Commonwealth)派遣使团来监督今年的大选。
Mr Mnangagwa also held out the prospect of swiftly re-establishing good relations with Britain, the former colonial power, after a two-decade rift under Robert Mugabe, the autocrat who was ousted after a brief military takeover in November.
姆南加古瓦还暗示,他的国家有可能与前殖民宗主国英国迅速重建良好关系。此前在罗伯特•穆加贝(Robert Mugabe)的统治下——这位独裁者在去年11月短暂的军事接管后被赶下台——津巴布韦与英国之间经历了20年的不和。
Speaking to the Financial Times in his first interview with an international news organisation since taking office in November, Mr Mnangagwa said he and the UK were keen for Zimbabwe to rejoin the Commonwealth, the club of Britain’s former colonies. Brexit, he added, would help the rapprochement.
Ahead of his appearance at next week’s Davos summit of global business leaders, he also sought to reassure investors Zimbabwe was open to foreign capital and he would take long overdue steps to address the shattered economy he has inherited. However, businesspeople suggested he will need to act on his words to convince them.
Mr Mnangagwa, who had military training in China as a young man, made clear he would pursue a balancing act of retaining close ties to Beijing, which helped to prop up Mr Mugabe’s economy with loans, while re-engaging with the west.
He is due in China in April “to negotiate megadeals in infrastructure” and railways. “We introduced the Look East policy but that was a survival policy. The east stood by us through thick and thin.”