Speaking in Davos, Steven Mnuchin, Treasury secretary, told the Financial Times that he “absolutely” expected to see an acceleration of trade measures during 2018, and said the administration was tightly co-ordinated in pursuing tougher trade policies.
在达沃斯(Davos)发表讲话的美国财政部长史蒂文•姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin)告诉英国《金融时报》,他“绝对”认为2018年美国会加速出台贸易举措。他还表示,在推行更严厉贸易政策方面,美国政府协调一心。
“The president has been very clear that where there are big trade imbalances, we want that addressed and fixed,” he said. “In this administration, we have excellent co-ordination on this issue . . . This is a policy issue the president is very focused on.”
At the same time, Wilbur Ross, the US commerce secretary, warned that some big trade initiatives launched in 2017 “will come to fruition” in 2018.
与此同时,美国商务部长威尔伯•罗斯(Wilbur Ross)警告称,2017年推出的一些重大贸易举措将在2018年“结出硕果”。
The Trump administration faces deadlines for presidential action in the weeks ahead on national security investigations into imports of aluminium and steel and a wide-ranging probe of China’s intellectual property regime that many in Washington expect to lead to further tariffs and a crackdown on Chinese investment. This week it imposed its first major tariffs on imports of solar cells and washing machines.
However, both cabinet members vehemently denied that the US government’s policies had become isolationist, arguing that the administration aimed to reform a global trading system which it viewed as becoming increasingly dysfunctional.
“We don’t even like to use the word ‘protectionism’ . . . We don’t use that word,” said Mr Mnuchin. “This is not about protectionism. This is about free and fair reciprocal trade. Anybody who wants to do trade with us on reciprocal terms is welcome to do so.”
Mr Ross insisted that the campaign for reform was already bearing fruit, even inside the World Trade Organization.
“It’s an old system, decades old. The world has changed, the economies have changed. The pecking order of countries has changed. Everything has changed. The WTO has not really modified its role. It needs to be updated, at best.”
He argued that there was rising agreement around the world on the need for reform. “You can’t solve a problem if you don’t acknowledge it exists. The world understands there are problems,” said Mr Ross.
The commerce secretary added that he thought much of the rest of the world was hypocritical in calls for free trade and a multilateral system. “It’s the protectionist people — the ones who are — who do the free trade rhetoric. The ones whose behaviour is totally at odds with what they say.”
The comments by Messrs Ross and Mnuchin come as executives at global companies have expressed growing alarm in Davos about the administration’s stance on trade. “We are all worried about a trade war,” one American chief executive said. “There has been some crazy language around.
There is particular concern about the risk of a damaging trade war with China, since it could have wide economic consequences and complicate separate measures that the American government is taking to forge a common front with China to tackle North Korea.
However, Mr Ross said that businesses were simply expressing these concerns because they were “worried about change”.
Mr Mnuchin welcomed the moves that China was taking to step up pressure on North Korea and stressed that the sanctions which the US Treasury placed this week against Chinese banks who deal with North Korea was “directed against North Korea, not China”.
“China is doing a considerable amount, we would obviously like them to do more,” Mr Mnuchin said. “And I would say that Russia has not done nearly enough and we would like them to continue to do more as well.”