The CSI 300 index, which tracks the largest companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen, sank 4.1 per cent sending the index to its lowest point since late September. All market segments were lower but the basic materials, industrials, financials and energy sectors saw the biggest falls, each declining by more than 4 per cent.
追踪在沪深两市上市的最大公司的沪深300指数(CSI 300 index)下跌4.1%,至去年9月下旬以来的最低水平。所有细分市场都下跌,但基础材料股、工业股、金融股和能源股板块的跌幅最大,跌幅均超过4%。
Hong Kong-listed Chinese companies did not fare better. The Hang Seng China Enterprises index of large-cap, Hong Kong-listed Chinese companies was down 5.2 per cent to its lowest point in 2018.
在香港上市的内地企业同样表现糟糕。由在香港上市的中国内地大盘股构成的恒生中国企业指数(Hang Seng China Enterprises Index,即H股指数)下跌5.2%,至2018年的最低水平。
The moves came after a decline of 3.8 per cent on Thursday by the S&P 500, which pushed the index to a drop of 10 per cent from its January high and once again fuelling investor concerns over the future of the post-financial crisis rally in equities.
此前,周四标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)下跌3.8%,相对于1月份高点下跌10%,再次引发投资者对后金融危机股市反弹行情的未来的担忧。
In US trading, the Cboe Global Markets’ Vix index, which tracks expected S&P 500 volatility over the next 30 days, spiked back above 33 on Thursday afternoon after dropping below 25 in early trading.
在美国股市盘,追踪接下来30天的标普500指数波动预期的芝加哥期权交易所全球市场(Cboe Global Markets)波动率(Vix)指数在周四早盘一度跌破25,而后在午盘重新猛涨至33以上。
Tai Hui, J.P. Morgan Asset Management chief market strategist for Asia, said:
摩根大通资产管理公司(JPMorgan Asset Management)亚洲首席市场策略师许长泰(Tai Hui)表示:
Today’s Asian markets are still taking lead from U.S. equity performance overnight. One thing we note that the sell-off in China onshore equity market, which traditionally has a lower correlation with global markets, could have been exacerbated by Chinese investors wanting to cash out before the Lunar New Year holiday.