戴维•罗斯柴尔德(David de Rothschild)将在今年夏天卸任罗斯柴尔德(Rothschild)董事长职务,向他的儿子亚历山大•罗斯柴尔德(Alexandre de Rothschild)交棒,这家法英投资银行的这一交接班是各方期待已久的。
The younger Mr de Rothschild has long been groomed to succeed his father as the seventh generation of the banking dynasty that was founded 200 years ago. Currently executive deputy chairman, he first joined the bank in 2008 after stints in both investment banking and private equity at Bank of America and Bear Stearns.
身为这个有200年历史的银行世家的第七代子弟,亚历山大已接受多年培养,以继承他父亲。目前担任执行副董事长的他,是在2008年开始加入该行的,此前他在美国银行(Bank of America)和贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)受过投行和私募股权业务的历练。
The dynastic handover, expected to take place in June, comes amid a push by the investment bank to diversify from its core French and British advisory business to help it ride out less buoyant periods in Europe’s mergers and acquisitions market.
Since joining the bank, Mr de Rothschild, 37, has set up and helped oversee the private equity business. The group has also been increasingly investing in its small US operations and last year completed its first sizeable acquisition to expand its private bank.
The elder Mr de Rothschild, who was born in New York, oversaw the merger of the then-separate French and UK banks in 2012 in a combination designed to unify two branches of the Rothschild family and bolster the balance sheet. Before that, the 75-year-old had been running the UK part of the bank after Evelyn de Rothschild, his cousin, retired in 2004.
在老罗斯柴尔德领导下,原本相互独立的法国和英国银行业务于2012年合并,以统一罗斯柴尔德家族的两个分支,巩固资产负债表。在此之前,戴维在他的堂兄伊夫林•罗斯柴尔德(Evelyn de Rothschild) 2004年退休后,一直执掌英国这一块的罗斯柴尔德银行。出生在纽约的老罗斯柴尔德现年75岁。
The overhaul of the corporate structure was an opportunity for Mr de Rothschild to put in motion a succession plan by bringing his third child and only son to the supervisory board. It also allowed the family to tighten control over the group by buying out minority shareholders.
Still, his tenure has occasionally been dogged by family infighting among offshoots of the financial dynasty that sit outside the unified group.