Early Thursday morning, a jubilant Mr. Trump described how Mr. Kim had been “excellent” to three American prisoners he had agreed to release from a prison in North Korea, and “nice” to free them so early — a “wonderful thing” that showed Mr. Kim’s desire to end his country’s isolation. The comments came two weeks after Mr. Trump praised Mr. Kim as “very honorable” in discussions about a coming summit meeting.
The head-snapping rhetorical turn has accompanied a major shift in the dynamic between the United States and North Korea as Mr. Trump and Mr. Kim prepare for the unpredecented meeting next month in Singapore. It also underscores the president’s black-and-white worldview — a stark formulation in which there is good or evil, friend or enemy, and not much in between — that has opened him to criticism that he has been too quick to embrace a brutal leader as a worthy negotiating partner.
“We’re starting off on a new footing,” Mr. Trump said at Joint Base Andrews, in Maryland, where he had arranged for a showy middle-of-the-night arrival for the prisoners to be broadcast live on television. He added, “There’s never been a relationship like this.”
“我们有了一个新的起点,”特朗普在马里兰州的安德鲁斯联合基地(Joint Base Andrews)说,在这里,他安排了一场让电视现场直播囚犯半夜抵达的炫耀场面。“从没有像这样关系,”他补充道。
Critics pounced on the remarks as evidence that the president was in the process of being duped and outplayed by Mr. Kim.
“We can’t be fooled into giving the North Korean regime credit for returning Americans that never should have been detained in the first place,” said Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader. “It is so troubling to hear President Trump say that Kim Jong-un treated the Americans excellently.”
“我们不能因为他们归还了几个人就被愚弄去赞扬朝鲜政权,这些美国人本来就不该被关押,”纽约州民主党领导人、参议员查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)。“听到特朗普总统说金正恩对美国人很好,让人非常担忧。”
Over-the-top messaging, both positive and negative, is nothing new for Mr. Trump, whose 1987 book “The Art of the Deal” argued that “bravado” was crucial to salesmanship.
正面和负面兼有的、过于夸张的信息,这对特朗普来说并不新鲜。他1987年的书《交易的艺术》(The Art of the Deal)就称“虚张声势”是一个十分关键的推销技巧。
“People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular,” the book says. “I call it truthful hyperbole.”
As president, Mr. Trump has married that style with a distinctly personal approach to foreign policy, in which he appears to have utmost confidence in his ability to win over his counterparts around the world with flattery, shows of respect and plays to ego — all things that he relishes himself.
White House officials said this week that Mr. Trump had made it clear that he was unwilling to offer any concessions or negotiate for the release of the prisoners, and expressed confidence that Mr. Kim would respect that position and do the right thing anyway.
“It’s not unusual in diplomacy for people to be yelling at each other in one moment and singing kumbaya in the next, but what makes this so dramatic is that the president went further in both directions than others have,” said Peter D. Feaver, a political scientist at Duke University who was a national security official under George W. Bush. “I think that’s a reflection of his belief that we have to break the standard playbook here — we’ve tried everything else with North Korea and it hasn’t worked, so why not try something different?”
“在外交上,人们上一秒互相大骂、下一秒高唱‘欢聚一堂’(kumbaya)的情况并不少见,但总统的惊人之处在于,他在两个方向上都比别人更进了一步,”杜克大学(Duke University)政治学教授、曾在乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)政府担任国家安全官员的彼得·D·菲弗(Peter D. Feaver)说。“我认为这说明他坚信我们该打破标准玩法——我们对朝鲜什么都试过了,都没用,那为什么不试些不同的东西呢?”
Few dispute that Mr. Trump has shattered the norms of diplomatic communication when it comes to his language about Mr. Kim — both positive and negative — and raised the stakes for the nuclear negotiations along the way.
“He has gone from extremely negative comments on Kim designed to frighten him into coming to the negotiating table to, now, extremely flattering comments designed to make him conclude a deal,” said Sue Mi Terry, a former C.I.A. analyst who is a senior fellow for Korea at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “It’s just so over the top. No president has ever spoken in either way.”
“为了吓唬金正恩坐到谈判桌前而给出十分负面的评价,转变为了现在为使他达成协议而作出的极其谄媚的评价,”前中情局分析师、现为国际战略研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)朝鲜问题高级研究员的苏密·特里(Sue Mi Terry)说。“这实在是太夸张了。这两种方式,都是任何一个总统都不曾使用的。”
The love-hate dynamic started during Mr. Trump’s candidacy in 2015, when he described Mr. Kim as “this maniac sitting there” with nuclear weapons who had to be dealt with. Once Mr. Trump became president, the insults continued. In 2016, Mr. Trump called the North Korean leader a “bad dude.” He became more heated in his denunciations over the summer after Mr. Kim tested a long-range missile that appeared capable of hitting the United States.
“Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?” the president wrote on Twitter. Weeks later, he vowed to rain down “fire and fury like the world has never seen” if North Korea continued to threaten the United States.
Mr. Trump brought his streetfighter-style words to the United Nations the next month with another threat to Mr. Kim. “Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime,” he said, a line that he embellished during a campaign rally in Alabama not long after, branding the North Korean leader “Little Rocket Man.”
His advisers privately cringed at the talk, concerned that the president’s warnings and insults could escalate tensions with Mr. Kim, who is known to be thin-skinned, to the point of precipitating a nuclear crisis.
Now, the concern is in the other direction, that Mr. Trump is raising expectations for his ability to achieve a breakthrough with Mr. Kim that may not materialize, based purely on a personal rapport that he is overstating.
“The problem is that this gives a sense that he’s so willing to conclude a grand bargain with Kim that he’ll do anything,” Ms. Terry said of Mr. Trump. “I don’t think he can help it.”
Michael D’Antonio, a Trump biographer, said that from a young age, Mr. Trump had become accustomed to using grandiose words to threaten or flatter, usually to sell something, oftentimes himself.
特朗普的传记作者迈克尔·德安东尼奥(Michael D’Antonio)表示,特朗普从小就习惯于用夸张的言辞进行威胁或奉承,通常是推销什么东西,往往是他自己。
“I actually think that these guys speak the same language,” Mr. D’Antonio said of Mr. Trump and Mr. Kim, adding that the summit meeting would bring together two leaders who are supremely focused on their own images, intolerant of slights and addicted to flattery.
“So we're going to have a narcissist duet in Singapore, with these two guys, maybe the only two guys on Earth who know this song so well,” Mr. D’Antonio said. “And they’re going to sing it to each other.”